Why do you always like to hold things in your sleep? Doctor: Actually, this habit has many benefits!

Bed position is critical

Position is out of tune, emotional hurt

Many men have encountered this situation

Since my wife likes this pose

My body seems to be plucked out


Sleep all night without sleep

The suffocating “Nine Yin and White Bone Legs”

Follow all the way, nowhere to run

Also often wake up in the middle of the night

I opened my eyes and saw that the quilt was “pinch away”

Lack of sleep for a long time, can not help but runaway

Why do girls like to clip things while sleeping?

Clarification needed first

“Love to sleep with things” is not a girl’s patent

Some boys said they also have this habit

(Source: Kuaishou Platform, Tencent Medical Dian Kangkang’s fan comments)

Secondly, “sleeping with stuff” mostly occurs when sleeping on the side

Actually this habit has many benefits

01 Saves Knee and Leg Muscles

Many friends who are used to sleeping on their side may have had this experience

Wake up with numbness in the calf and more tired than before going to bed

Can’t help but wonder:

“I just took a nap

Why is it like a fight with someone? “

This may be related to sleeping position

When sleeping on the side, there is a gap between the legs

The upper leg is pulled down towards the bed surface and the lower leg due to gravity

At this point the soft tissue on the outside of the thigh is in a stretched state

This in turn flexes and adducts the hip

Piriformis stretched, sciatic nerve compressed

May cause radiating pain in lower extremities

Over time

May cause knee, ankle deviation

Long-term pain

If you put a soft pillow or folded blanket or towel between your legs

Can change this floating state to a certain extent

Reduce the effect of gravity on the upper leg

Let it “land” safely

During our long sleep

Get Well Soothed and Relaxed

02 Improve sleep quality

Spine health affects sleep quality

Studies show

The healthier the spine, the higher the sleep index, the better the quality of sleep[2]


The front and back of the spine should be in a straight line

(Note: the spine is made up of multiple vertebrae)

But when sleeping on the side, the upper leg causes pelvic roll or rotation

This will lead to abnormal position of the lumbar, thoracic, shoulder, and cervical vertebrae

Long-term, this may cause waist, back, neck discomfort

Place a soft pillow, blanket or towel between your legs

Helps maintain a neutral spine position

Protect the spine and improve sleep quality

03 Cooling and ventilation

A moderate temperature, usually slightly cooler

Can significantly improve sleep quality[3]

The temperature is higher in the quilt

When we sleep on our side with the quilt in place

One ​​leg exposed

Provides cooling to help wick away sweat and keep you cool

All in all

“Pull things to sleep” improves sleep quality,

Relax joints, soothe muscles, and more

However, it is not recommended for everyone to have a partner

As a “tool man” sandwiched between the legs

National Sleep Foundation survey shows

Sleep linked to marital satisfaction

When encountering a “difficult” partner

How can I improve my sleep quality?

Please keep the following 2 tricks:

One, pillow as a barrier

Build a “pillow wall” between you

It can block the other party’s voice and actions to a certain extent

Second, sleeping in separate rooms in the short term

Sleeping in separate rooms is not recommended as a long-term solution

But when one partner’s sleep is interrupted by their partner for a long time

Neither conducive to the normal functioning of the body

Also prone to negative emotions, affecting both parties’ feelings

So consider sleeping separately in the short term

As for sticking to see here

Singles who feel useless knowledge has increased again

Let’s get together and leave a message at the end of the article!

Reviewer: Zhang Zeng | Attending Physician of Emergency Department of Zhengzhou Orthopaedic Hospital


[1]Doug Cary,Kathy Briffa,Leanda McKenna. Identifying relationships between sleep posture and non-specific spinal symptoms in adults: A scoping review[J]. BMJ Open,2019,9( 6).

[2] “2019 Xilinmen China Sleep Index Report”

[3]Olga Troynikov,Chris Watson,Nazia Nawaz. Sleep environments and sleep physiology: A review[J]. Journal of Thermal Biology,2018.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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