Why do thyroid cancer patients increase year by year? Doctor: 3 kinds of food or “feed” cancer cells

As the saying goes, “At 40, you will not be confused, and at 50 you will know the destiny.” As people grow older, people’s desires for various substances will decrease. On the contrary, I would like to have a healthy and good body, but after aging, various functions and resistance of the body will decline, and various diseases will follow.

Thyroid nodules are one of them. According to 2021 data, the thyroid population in my country is about 1.412 billion. Among them, 263 million suffer from thyroid nodules, which have seriously affected the physical and mental health of the people.

Why is the number of thyroid cancer patients increasing year by year? Doctor: 3 kinds of food or “feed” cancer cells

1. Cruciferous vegetables

The more common cruciferous flowers in life Vegetables in the family include: radish, cabbage, broccoli, cabbage, etc. These vegetables have the characteristics of high water content, low calorie, and contain more dietary fiber, which are very popular among people.

But it should not be eaten too much, because it is rich in a large amount of circulating glycine. After hydrolysis, it will produce thiocyanate in the body, causing goiter and inhibiting Normal secretion of hormones, induced thyroid nodules and so on.

2. Spicy and stimulating food

Most patients with thyroid nodules will Will choose to eat less spicy spicy food. But in fact, common garlic, onion, pepper, leeks are also spicy food.

These foods, after entering the human body, will hinder the stable operation of thyroid function, affect the activity of cells, and cause abnormal thyroid hormone synthesis, which will lead to aggravation of the disease.

3. Foods rich in iodine

It is well known that the development of thyroid disease is closely related to people’s sensitivity to iodine. intake is closely related. Excessive consumption of iodine substances will stimulate the secretion of thyroid hormones, resulting in night sweats, insomnia, and irritability.

Common foods such as seaweed, kelp, and seafood are rich in iodine. Patients with nodules must usually reduce the intake of such foods and follow the doctor’s advice to prevent the disease from worsening.

When the thyroid is abnormal, the following symptoms will appear in the body, do not ignore

●The growth of nodules in the thyroid will lead to enlarged thyroid and neck enlargement;

●When the nodule grows, it will affect the surrounding esophagus and respiratory tract, causing difficulty in swallowing and breathing;

●Due to endocrine disorders, patients may experience drowsiness, fatigue, severe night sweats, etc.;

●Some female patients may experience menstrual disorders, irritability, and neurasthenia;

●Thyroid hormones have a certain influence on metabolism, and the patient’s weight will go up and down.

If you want to restore thyroid health, you can do 3 more things

1. Supplement Chinese herbal medicine

2. Exercise

Daily exercise is essential, long-term adherence can not only strengthen the physique, but also improve the endocrine imbalance, which has a certain promotion effect on nodules.

3. Regular physical examinations

After the age of 35, you should pay more attention to your own health problems, and you can often participate in some physical examination activities. Not only can you have a sense of your physical condition, but it can also prevent some complications, which is good for your health.