Why do some people walk for fitness while others get hurt? That’s the difference!

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walking, is the easiest exercise. In this seemingly inconspicuous walking process, there is actually a hidden health password. Why do some people walk for fitness, while others hurt themselves? Be aware of the following situations!

These are “life reduction steps”!

1. Walking hunched over span>

Deng Jingyuan, deputy chief physician of the Rehabilitation Medical Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University, explained in an article in Health Times in 2008 that when he walks with his head held high, his body has seven meridians and eight meridians. They all follow along, and the walking posture with chest and waist will not allow the meridians to relax well, and the body will not receive the proper oxygen supply. The curvature of the spine will also reflect to the brain, making people in a state of tension, causing the brain to be overworked and affecting sleep at night.

2. Get used to walking on the side of the road

Streets are places where air pollution is relatively serious. Vehicles coming and going will emit a lot of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide.

Professor Li Jing from the Sports Health Consultation Clinic of Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine explained in an interview with Health Times in 2017 that the streets are places with serious air pollution, and vehicles coming and going will A lot of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide are emitted. Breathing will deepen and speed up during exercise. If the environment during exercise is relatively dirty, it will definitely be harmful to the body after inhalation.

3. Do not warm up before walking

Bo Liqun, chief physician of the Department of Orthopedics, Oriental Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in a 2014 Health Times article that one of the most common reasons for many people’s sports injuries is that they have not done warm-up exercises and other preparations. In this way, the body suddenly enters a state of exercise quickly, and it is easy to overwhelm it.

4. Walk immediately after meals

As the saying goes, if you walk a hundred steps after a meal, you will live to ninety-nine. But this sentence may convey a wrong concept. Yang Feiyan, deputy chief physician of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of Wuhan Central Hospital, explained in an article published in Health Times in 2017 that after a full meal, especially after a high-protein and high-fat diet, more blood will be concentrated in the gastrointestinal tract to strengthen digestive function. If you engage in strenuous exercise, it will lead to insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle, causing discomfort or accidents.

5. Walk before dawn

Many people who insist on exercising in the morning choose to go out for a walk in the sun, thinking that this time will not be exposed to the sun, and they can breathe fresher and more oxygenated air. In fact, exercising at this time is not good for your health.

Liu Gang, chief physician of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Southern Medical University, explained in a 2013 Health Times article that because plant chlorophyll can only perform photosynthesis with the participation of sunlight, Before sunrise, there is no sunlight on the leaves, and there is no fresh oxygen in the vicinity of plants that have not undergone photosynthesis overnight. On the contrary, a large amount of carbon dioxide is accumulated, which is not good for health.

6. Blindly walking and counting steps

There are two types of people in the orthopaedic clinic. One type of people likes to be quiet, never exercising or walking, which leads to osteoporotic fractures; They exercised a lot of time, and their joints suffered from severe osteoarthritis.

He Liang, Chief Physician of the Osteoporosis Diagnosis and Research Center of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, said at the first Family Walker Training Program and Bone Health National Fitness Public Welfare Activities held in 2015, Although walking is good, it also varies from person to person. The most important thing is to find the amount of exercise that suits you and follow the principle of gradual progress. Not a person who does not exercise normally. After learning the benefits of walking, he can walk for a few hours at a stretch. The effect is not good, and it is easy to cause sports injuries. Haste is not enough.

7. Walk in ill-fitting shoes

Feng Xiaolu, a first-level fitness instructor of the China Bodybuilding Association, said in an interview with Health Times in 2015 that it is very important to choose a pair of suitable shoes before exercising. The sole should not be too soft, otherwise, if you put on your feet, you will feel as if you are walking directly on the ground, and the cushioning of the heel will disappear, and if it is too hard, it will not work.

Different groups of people have different walks

Beijing Zhao Zhixin, Secretary General of the Municipal Science Fitness Expert Lecturer Group, shared the benefits brought by different walking methods in many interviews with Health Times!

1. Those with a fat waist: tap while walking

Zhao Zhixin introduced that adding some movements (such as tapping the belt pulse) when walking can help reduce waist circumference very well.

The position of the belt loops around the waist, just like our belt. On both sides of the waist, there is a point with veins (draw a horizontal line with the navel as the center, and draw a vertical line with the armpit as the starting point, the intersection of the two lines).

If your stomach is soft and you have a “life buoy”, you might as well hit the left and right waist with both hands when walking, and insist on it every day.In half an hour, the waistline is guaranteed to drop rapidly.

2. Diabetic patients: walking with multiple legs

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Zhao Zhixin shared in the 11th Beijing Diabetes Sports Meeting that patients with diabetes can do more walking to help lower blood sugar.

Zhao Zhixin demonstrates the walking posture. Niu Hongchao/Photo

The key to flexing walking is to take a big step forward first, then bend the front legs to make a lunge, so that the thighs are parallel to the ground, Hold for a second or two, then walk forward and switch to the other leg.

As long as you keep walking like this for 5~10 minutes every day, your thigh muscles will definitely become better and better, and developed muscles are “natural sugar control drugs”, it can be better blood sugar control.

3. Constipation: writhe around

Zhao Zhixin shared in the “Youth Lecture Hall” held by the People’s Daily Community Committee in 2011 that walking and twisting made the intestines easier.

The method is to maintain balance on the upper body, bear weight on one leg and relax on the other, and send the hips to the left and right to move forward smoothly, which is somewhat similar to race walking.

In the process of walking, increase the rotation of the waist and hips, so that the body twists rhythmically during walking, which can promote defecation, prevent constipation, reduce High incidence of rectal cancer.

4. Sedentary office workers: leave at ten o’clock p>

Zhao Zhixin introduced that most office workers suffer from cervical vertebra pain, so you can try the 10:10 walk.

Take the two arms as the hour and minute hands on the clock, and open it to the ten o’clock position of the clock. This action is “ten o’clock”. In this way, stick to walking 200 steps every day. It is very helpful for people who work at desks for a long time and often face the computer.


<600"> Prostate disease patients: walking on tiptoe

Gao Zhan, Department of Urology, Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, pointed out in Health Times in 2013 that the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia , can assist the use of tiptoe method, which is very beneficial to the blood circulation of the male prostate.

Land on the ground with your feet together, lift your heels vigorously, and then relax to the ground, repeat 20 to 30 times each time, and do this movement 5 to 7 times a day. If you can stick to this action for about half a year, you can achieve a very good physical fitness effect.

6. People with poor lumbar spine: walk backwards

lumbar muscle strain, lumbar disc herniation, etc. afflict many elderly people. Qian Baoyan, chief physician of the Rehabilitation Department of Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, suggested that if the elderly have mild symptoms and cannot reach the level of hospitalization, they can try to practice “walking backwards” at home.

Walking backwards is best practiced with two people, one walking backwards and the other following ahead. However, those with underlying diseases such as cervical spondylosis and unstable blood pressure, as well as elderly people with inflexible limbs are not suitable for practicing backwards.

7. Stressed person: Outdoor brisk walk

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Life is movement, and mood is movement. Encountering unsatisfactory things, lock yourself in the room and think hard, it will not bring you a good mood. Go out for a walk, be in a new environment, and a good mood will come unexpectedly.

For example, if you walk in the park, fresh air blows in your face, and the surrounding flowers and trees are pleasing to the eye. Walking and watching, the mood will suddenly become clear, and then the reverie will be endless.

Remember 6 walking tips to walk 10,000 steps a day without hurting your knees!

How can I walk without hurting my knees? In August 2021, Liu Qiang, the attending physician of the Department of Orthopedics and Arthritis of Peking University People’s Hospital, shared 6 tips in an article published on the WeChat official account of “Orthopaedic Doctor” :

< strong>Tips 1: Correct the “outer eight”. As you walk, keep your toes facing forward and your feet apart the same distance as your pelvis. TIP 2: Show the sole. When the forefoot hits the ground, the heel touches the ground lightly, revealing the sole forward. TIP 3: Take big steps. When you walk, take big steps and throw your arms out. > TIP 4: Push off the ground hard. When the rear foot is off the ground, push the ground hard. The key to good shoes. /strong>Wear suitable shoes, such as jogging shoes, which can cushion the ground recoil when walking, thereby protecting the knee joint. You should check your shoes every six months, if the heel is worn, the heel socket collapses to one side, the sole If the heel elasticity is significantly reduced, etc., it is necessary to replace the new shoes. Tip 6: Strengthen the muscles. The muscles in the front of the thigh, that is, the quadriceps, are the muscles that best protect the knee joint. Often Do hook leg lifts to help maintain or even build muscle strength.

Dr. Liu Qiang said that as long as you follow the main points in the video, practice diligently, and you can get results in one month months to be effective. At that time, the habit is formed naturally, and the walking posture can be changed, so that you can walk without hurting your knees.

Liu Qiang explained that this method is to give full play to the protective effect of shoes and muscles through the training of walking posture, reduce the recoil of the knee joint when walking, thereby reducing or even eliminating pain .

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This article is synthesized from:

①2008-03-31 Health Times “Walking Posture Affects Brain Health”< /p>

②2017-12-12 Health Times “Walking on the Street is Equal to Walking”

③2014-05-08 Health Times “Learn the Four Ways to Protect Your Waist” Idioms”

④2017-09-15 Health Times “Patients with Coronary Heart Disease Don’t Take Hundred Steps After Meals”

⑤2013- 10-10 Health Times “Exercise in the morning should be done at sunrise”

⑥2015-05-21 Health Times “Get out of health, listen to what the experts say” span>

⑦2015-04-23 Health Times “Let’s Walk Together”

⑧2011-05-16 Health Times “Walking Knocking” One tap, one foot loose of the belt”

⑨2011-05-30 Health Times “If you have diabetes, do more bending steps”

⑩2011-06-20 Health Times “Walking and twisting the intestines makes it easier”

⑪2016-04-19 Health Times “Do more micro-exercise in fragmented time”< /span>

⑫2013-12-30Health Times “Tipping on tiptoe helps prostate”

⑬2013-05-16 Health Times “Science in Action”

⑭2021-08-22 Orthopedic doctor (ID: gukedf) “Learn to walk like this, you can’t walk 10,000 steps a day. Injured knee! 》

Editor: Wang Nan

Reviewer: Yang Xiaoming

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