Why do some people have “densely dense” age spots, while others have almost none? Doctor for you

Age spots, the full name of “senile pigment spots”, also known as seborrheic keratosis in medicine, are a A kind of lipofuscin pigmented plaque, belonging to a benign epidermal hyperplastic tumor. #Xiafang Health Guide#

Most of them start to grow after the age of 50. , more common in the elderly, people also call it “life spots”, which are caused by sunlight exposure, skin aging and chronic inflammation.

“Old Li, how come I haven’t seen so many age spots on my face for a few days, and I suddenly look several years old. ”

Auntie Li ran into Uncle Zhang as soon as she went out in the morning, and hurried home after hearing what Uncle Zhang said Looking in the mirror, I don’t know if I don’t look at it, but I was startled when I saw it. I didn’t know when so many age spots had grown on my face. In the afternoon, I asked my daughter to accompany me to the hospital for an examination to see if there was any way to get rid of it.

Aunt Li is 62 years old this year. She is usually in good health, with normal blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipids. In time, I found that there were many pigmented spots on my face. Although it was not painful or itchy, it seriously affected the external image, so I went to the hospital to see a dermatologist.

After fully understanding Aunt Li’s symptoms, the doctor arranged a dermoscopy for him, and the results showed that Aunt Li Seborrheic keratosis, also known as age spots.

Doctor explained to Aunt Li: “Age spots are more common in middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old, and the incidence rate increases with It gradually increases with age, and you are now in your 60s. It is normal to have age spots on your face and does not require excessive treatment.”

When a person reaches a certain age, the blood circulation of the body slows down, the metabolic capacity changes, and garbage pigments are easily deposited on the surface of the skin, resulting in the growth of age spots. Although it is not painful or itchy, it reduces the appearance. As if reminding myself that I am getting old all the time.

However, there is such a strange phenomenon in life, two elderly people of the same age, one The age spots on the face are dense and obvious, but the other person has almost no age spots, and the face is fair. What is going on?


Why are some people “densely dense” with age spots, while others have almost none? I hope you know

the causes of senile plaques, and there is currently no clear etiology in clinical medicine. , but it is known that frequent exposure to the sun can cause skin lesions, and can lead to age spots as we age.

Women are more prone to age spots, especially after the age of 55. This situation does not affect People are healthy, so there is no need to worry too much. As long as you do a good job of sun protection in your life, you can effectively reduce the formation of age spots.

Of course, in addition to natural aging, daily bad habits will also accelerate the appearance of age spots, and there are few age spots on the face For the elderly, the following bad behaviors may not occur, and I advise you to correct them as soon as possible.

—inappropriate diet< /p>

The older you get, the more picky and particular you are about the food you eat. The usual diet is not comprehensive enough to supplement nutrients, which leads to faster aging. There will also be pigmentation problems, which can lead to age spots.

In life, we must learn to eat reasonably and ensure the intake of various nutrients in order to nourish the skin. Stay young.

—lack of exercise

Fast pace of life, busy work, young people in the office Sitting for a whole day, even after work, is too lazy to exercise, and for the elderly, they usually rarely exercise, which greatly reduces their own metabolic rate, resulting in the accumulation of garbage toxins in the body, thus appearing in Pigmentation forms on the surface of the skin, causing the problem of age spots.

Be sure to get rid of this bad living habit in time , Moderate exercise is conducive to strengthening the body, reducing the risk of disease, nourishing the skin, and maintaining a youthful state.

middle-aged and elderly People can choose slow walking, jogging, Tai Chi, square dancing, etc. to increase the amount of exercise. Do not exercise blindly, so as not to damage the joints and bones.


It is undeniable that age spots are also affected by genetics. Many elderly people with age spots on their faces gradually begin to have spots on their faces after the age of 40. These are caused by obvious genetic factors.

—Hormonal Effects

After a person reaches a certain age, many pigmentation spots begin to appear on the face. This is due to the decrease in the secretion of body hormones and the inability of part of the oil to be metabolized in the body normally, resulting in the formation of plaques.

Some young people also have pigmentation spots on their faces, especially adolescents, who have a strong metabolism. , Excessive secretion of oil in the body will also accumulate too much on the skin surface to form plaques.


6 foods to help you fade age spots

1, Garlic: Cut garlic into thin slices, stick it on the senile plaque, and rub it repeatedly until the skin becomes red and red, 3 to 5 times a day.

2. Ginger: Ginger washed and cut into pieces Flakes or silk, brew with boiling water, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, add 1 tablespoon of honey (about 10-15 ml), stir well, drink 1 cup a day, can significantly reduce the phenomenon of age spots.

3. Almonds: Appropriate amount of almonds, go to Pound the skin into mud, mix thoroughly with egg whites, apply to the affected area every night before going to bed, and wash off with warm water in the morning.

4. Poria: Poria is appropriate and grind it into fine At the end, mix thoroughly with egg whites, apply to the affected area before going to bed every night, and wash with warm water in the morning.

5. Black fungus powder: Black fungus Appropriate amount, wash and dry it to the end, and take 3 grams of hot rice soup after meals every day.

6. Onions: contain more cysteine Amino acid, can delay aging, can be eaten raw or cooked, and can be eaten often.


Extension – Remedy for Age Spot Removal

1. Ginger with vinegar

If you don’t want to grow age spots, you can take a piece of ginger sliced, put it in a sealed bottle, soak it in vinegar for two hours, and then take it out. It can be eaten as a side dish or as a dietary remedy to inhibit the growth of age spots. , Persistent use for a period of time can effectively improve age spots.

2. Quail Egg Tremella Soup< /p>

50 grams of white fungus, 3 quail eggs, soaked white fungus in water, boiled with quail eggs, add a small amount of rice wine, appropriate amount of monosodium glutamate, salt, to a small amount It is simmered and stewed, and eaten after it is cooked.

Quail egg white fungus soup is rich in vitamin E and C, so eat more white fungus and quail eggs, which can remove age spots effect.

3. Brightening Beauty Powder

< p data-track="43">250 grams of watermelon kernels, 200 grams of sweet-scented osmanthus, and 100 grams of orange peel, ground into fine powder, and mixed with rice soup after meals, 3 times a day, 10 grams each time . It has the effect of whitening and freckle removal, and is suitable for patients with age spots.

If you want to improve age spots, you must develop good habits in many aspects, pay attention to skin management, and more. Helps fade dark spots and refreshes the mind.