Why do seemingly healthy young people die suddenly? What to do to avoid the tragedy of sudden death

Involution, overtime, good news, mortgage, childbirth…

It seems that in recent years, these words have repeatedly destroyed human health.

For a long time in the past, the topic and controversy about involution have never stopped. Almost every other day, there has been a sudden death in sports at the social level.

Once a tragedy occurs, it will cause a thousand waves and arouse widespread public concern. the same.

Is it necessary to risk my life for a few taels of silver?

With the continuous development of society, now it has become an era of highly developed information, and the frequency of sudden death is increasing in news reports.

The increasing pressure of life and the faster and faster pace of work have made sudden death a health anxiety for urbanites.

According to the “2020 National Health Insights Report”: 53% of people have worried that they will die suddenly. Among them, 7% and 9% of the post-95s and 00s are even worried every day You will die suddenly.

There are many reasons for sudden death, but most of them are related to cardiovascular disease. In 2019, the proportion of cardiovascular deaths in China was as high as 43%, making it the number one killer of Chinese people threatening health. .

Although most cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are closely related to age, the oldest and the mortality rate is rising, but in the past 20 years, the proportion of deaths among young people has increased significantly.

Death is hiding around us, how can we prevent them from coming?

These changes are closely related to our various active or passive unhealthy living habits. What we can do is to change the bad habits of our daily life.

Prevent sudden death by doing these things:

First, control blood pressure and eat less high-salt foods

Hypertension increases the load on the heart, and in the long run, the heart is overwhelmed, causing changes in its shape and structure, after all, leading to heart disease, which increases blood pressure and, in severe cases, induces heart disease Sudden death.

Therefore, salt intake should be reduced in daily life, eat less pickles, processed meats and other foods, and the salt intake should not exceed 6 grams per person per day.

Second, develop the habit of seeking medical attention in a timely manner

For people who often have chest tightness and chest pain, they should pay enough attention and see a doctor immediately. It is best to have coronary angiography. According to the angiography results to determine the treatment plan, so that Sudden cardiac death can be largely prevented.

Third, aggressive treatment

80% of SCD patients have coronary atherosclerosis, and if the disease is not effectively controlled, it is likely to lead to sudden cardiac death.

Therefore, it is necessary for such patients to use aspirin, statins, and Shexiang Baoxin Pills to improve their disease.

If the effect of medication is not satisfactory, balloon expansion or stent implantation is required to eliminate the harm of the disease and avoid further effects.

Fourth, stay away from alcohol and tobacco

Tobacco smoke contains large amounts of substances that are harmful to the lungs, blood vessels and heart, and the data shows: IThe smoking rate of people aged 15 and over in China is 26.6%, and the smoking rate of young people aged 15-24 is increasing year by year.

Fifth, stay away from fatigue

According to surveys, about 80% of white-collar workers in my country are in a state of excessive fatigue. It accounts for 65% to 80% of sudden cardiac death cases.

Long-term sleep deprivation not only increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also increases the risk of accidents due to reduced cognitive function.

Inconspicuous little things are pushing our tired us to the abyss of death step by step

Those so-called seemingly healthy young and middle-aged people actually have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of varying degrees, but because they usually have no obvious symptoms, they have not done targeted examinations. ,

Fatigue, emergency stimulation, etc., will eventually lead to the tragedy of sudden death.

If this happens to you before, you need to be vigilant now and don’t let the tragedy of sudden death happen to you.