Why do polycystic patients need to lose weight?

Polycystic patients are troubled by infertility, while others are troubled by embryo stoppage. They often ignore their “obesity”! Obesity is a common condition for most polycystic patients. Losing weight is a problem that most polycystic patients must face. Obesity is closely related to polycystic ovary syndrome and ovulation. The obesity of such polycystic ovary patients is mainly central obesity, which means that there is more abdominal fat tissue deposition, and there is a difference between abdominal fat and subcutaneous fat. Yes, intra-abdominal fat thickness is associated with serum testosterone levels. Abdominal fat deposits can also lead to insulin resistance, promote hyperandrogenism, oligo- or anovulation, and obesity increases the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. How to judge obesity?

●It can be calculated with the body mass index (BMI) formula;

●body mass index (BMI)=weight (kg)÷height^2 (m );

● BMI of 18-23 is normal weight, over 23 is overweight, and over 25 is obese.

Why do polycystic patients have to lose weight?

●The main benefit of exercise is to reduce body weight, improve glucose metabolism, and reduce insulin resistance; ●Indirect benefits are to reduce androgen levels and effects, improve endocrine, and restore fertility;

●Reducing body weight by 5-10% can restore ovulation, menstruation and conception in more than 80% of patients;

●Mstruation tends to be regular, and ovulatory menstruation can make the endometrium Reduced risk of cancer;

● can reduce androgen levels, improve acne and hirsutism caused by hyperandrogenism;

● reduce insulin levels, reduce diabetes risk and cardiovascular disease risk.

What are the advantages of weight loss in polycystic patients?

●Improve endocrine, lower androgen, improve acne, hirsutism symptoms.

●Ovulation can be resumed in most patients, menstruation can be resumed, and long-term complications such as endometrial cancer can be prevented.

●Improve egg quality, improve pregnancy outcome, and increase pregnancy rate!

● Weight loss, abdominal fat reduction, improved glucose metabolism and insulin resistance, thereby preventing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

How to lose weight in polycystic patients?

●Change of lifestyle

◆Exercise time 30~60 minutes/time, exercise intensity from low to high, exercise frequency 3~5 times/time week.

●Methods of weight loss

◆Jogging, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc.

●Controlled diet, regular and quantitative

●Exercise and drugs

◆Use of androgen-lowering hormones Drugs, insulin-lowering drugs, and ovulation-stimulating drugs for fertility requirements.

◆Each patient’s disease condition is complex and the severity is different, especially high androgen, severe insulin resistance or even diabetes, anxious to get pregnant, unable to insist on exercise, etc., need drug treatment and exercise!

Inositol improves polycystic conditions

Inositol is a simple and safe treatment that can Improve the metabolic status of polycystic patients, reduce hirsutism and acne, and help polycystic obesity lose weight.

◆Research shows that high levels of inositol within the follicles may be a sign of good follicle development and good oocyte or egg quality. Taking inositol can improve egg quality.

◆Inositol can restore spontaneous ovarian activity and regular menstruation, thereby restoring the fertility of most polycystic patients and increasing the probability of ovulation.


source :Network

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