Why do patients with mild new coronary pneumonia do not need to be hospitalized? Expert interpretation

According to CCTV news, the new version of the new coronary pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan requires centralized isolation and management of light cases, and if the condition worsens, they will be transferred to designated hospitals for treatment. What is the main reason for this? In this regard, the reporter interviewed Wang Guiqiang, member of the medical treatment expert group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council and director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Peking University First Hospital.

Wang Guiqiang: For mild cases, we emphasize centralized isolation management, rather than requiring isolation and treatment in designated hospitals as before. This is based on several aspects. The first is that Omicron itself is highly contagious, and the proportion of mild cases is relatively high. From the current entire treatment strategy, isolation is basically to avoid further spread. At the same time, if the patient’s condition changes and there is a tendency for it to worsen, we will immediately transfer it to a designated medical institution for observation and treatment. This layered management or centralized isolation management of light cases also avoids running on the resources of medical institutions, and uses these beds with limited medical resources to treat potentially severe patients or patients who have become severe.

The 14-day isolation changed to 7-day home monitoring after the patient was discharged from the hospital

The CT value of the new version of the new coronavirus pneumonia diagnosis and treatment plan for the management of release from isolation and the standard of discharge from the hospital was determined by The previous 40 has been reduced to 35, and the isolation measures for patients after discharge have also been adjusted, from 14 days of isolation and observation to 7 days of home health monitoring. Experts explained this.

Wang Guiqiang: Judging from the current characteristics of the new coronavirus Omicron, its viral load is actually very high. When the CT value reaches above 35, its In fact, the contagiousness is basically gone, and the virus cannot be isolated. The purpose of this adjustment is to prevent patients from staying in the hospital for a long time, resulting in this occupation of medical resources, and also to prevent severe cases. Free up these medical resources for those who need them more. Home quarantine was originally a 14-day home quarantine observation, and now we have adjusted it to a 7-day home quarantine observation, which is also based on the current characteristics of the virus, because like Omicron, it has a high viral load and is highly infectious, but Its infection cycle is relatively short, and soon the virus is reduced and disappeared.

Edit Sun Linzhi