Why do non-smokers get lung cancer too? Experts tell why

Why do some nonsmokers get lung cancer?

Professor Chu Tianqing, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Chest Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Professor Li Junling, Department of Medical Oncology, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences are bringing you authoritative popular science of lung cancer.

In addition to smoking, lung cancer has multiple risk factors

Lung cancer is one of the most burdensome malignancies worldwide. According to the latest global cancer burden data released by the World Health Organization in 2020, there will be approximately 2.2 million new lung cancer cases worldwide in 2020, ranking second in the global incidence of malignant tumors. Lung cancer is the most common cancer in China, accounting for 17.9% of new cases of malignant tumors. Also, the incidence of males is much higher than that of females.

What is the reason for the high incidence of lung cancer in my country?

“One of the reasons is tobacco, China is a big tobacco consumer in the world; the other is age, China has gradually entered an aging society, and lung cancer is precisely the same with age. The incidence rate is rising rapidly.” Professor Li Junling explained, “In addition, with the process of industrialization and urbanization, air pollution such as automobile exhaust, industrial waste gas emissions, and the increase in female lung cancer patients caused by kitchen fumes pollution are all causes of lung cancer in China. The reason for the high rate.”

We often say that “life should be smoked”, but it is better to have less exposure to tobacco, second-hand smoke, and kitchen fumes! In addition to the above factors that lead to the high incidence of lung cancer in China, common risk factors for lung cancer include: second-hand smoke, occupational exposure to carcinogens (such as long-term exposure to radon, beryllium, silica, soot, dust, etc.), personal tumor history, direct lineage Family history of lung cancer in relatives, history of chronic lung diseases (such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, etc.).

Is there any trace of lung cancer?

“First of all, it is difficult to detect early stage lung cancer simply by relying on symptoms. Our lungs are very large and soft, with a length of 1-2 cm around the lungs. If the tumor grows large enough and touches the chest wall or bronchi, blood vessels, and nerves, some symptoms will appear, such as cough, chest pain, hemoptysis, hoarseness, etc. In addition, lung cancer may also By causing metastasis-related symptoms and paraneoplastic syndrome.” Professor Chu Tianqing said, “metastasis-related symptoms are symptoms caused by tumor metastasis to other places, bone pain caused by metastasis to bone, and neurological symptoms caused by metastasis to the brain. Paraneoplastic syndrome refers to not Symptoms directly caused by tumors or metastases, but indirectly caused by endocrine pathways, such as hypercalcemia, blood system abnormalities, etc.”

If you have related symptoms, don’t panic, you must Find a professional doctor, through the examination to determine whether it is related to lung cancer. It may be too late to detect lung cancer through symptoms. If you want to detect lung cancer early, you still have to pass lung cancer screening.

Low-dose spiral CT is the first choice for lung cancer screening

What tests should be done for lung cancer screening?

“Current lung cancer screening methods are much more advanced than before, and low-dose helical CT is recommended as the first choice. Low-dose helical CT can scan the lung in a very thin cross-section, Even very small pulmonary nodules hidden in corners can be scanned. At the same time, low-dose spiral CT is also very cheap and very convenient.” Professor Chu Tianqing said.

Currently, it is recommended to carry out lung cancer screening in high-risk groups of lung cancer aged 50-74 years old, as long as they meet one of the following conditions are high-risk groups: smoking pack years (number of packs smoked per day x number of smoking years) ) ≥30, living with a smoker for more than 20 years, suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, having a history of occupational exposure to asbestos, soot, etc. for at least 1 year, and having a first-degree relative diagnosed with lung cancer.

Are you or any of your relatives and friends eligible? Remember to have him regularly screened for lung cancer!

Lung cancer pays attention to precise diagnosis and treatment

With the advancement of treatment methods, the survival time of today’s lung cancer patients Longer and longer, even advanced lung cancer may still survive for more than 10 years. Both professors told stories of their long-term companionship with their patients. “I remember one time when I was out of the clinic, half of the more than 30 patients had lived for four years, and I accompanied them on a long, long journey. So I would also say to them, you Just follow me, and when I retire, I will introduce it to another trusted doctor.” Professor Li Junling said emotionally. “I remember that many years ago, there was a charity assistance program that could receive free medicines. Later, the patients who participated in the medicine collection gradually disappeared, but some patients are still asking me for free prescriptions because they are still alive. I I think this should be a very fulfilling moment for a doctor.” Professor Chu Tianqing recounted his own experience.

Finally, I hope you all have a correct understanding of lung cancer and stay away from high-risk factors that may lead to lung cancer in your life. At the same time, through “early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment”, lung cancer is stifled in the bud.


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Editor: Liu Qian

Editor of this issue: Jin Sihan (internship)

Proofreader of this issue: Chen Bingran