Why do experts say nucleic acid testing cannot “ah-“?

Recently, the topic #no more during nucleic acid testing# has caused heated discussions on Weibo.

Image source: Weibo

Let’s focus first: the experts did not allow “ah-“, “ah-” to fully expose the throat and facilitate sampling.

According to the specific process of pharyngeal swab examination, it can be seen that when performing nucleic acid testing, medical staff need to extend the pharyngeal swab to the pharyngeal isthmus to wipe the tonsils on both sides, but before the pharyngeal isthmus, the Also need to pass through the “blocking” tongue.

Image source: Dr. Lilac app

How to lower the tongue to assist medical staff to complete the collection?

When we say “ah-“, the tongue position is the lowest.

Image source: wikimedia.org

Put two real pictures for everyone to feel.

So, during the nucleic acid test, a skilled person stood in front of the medical staff and consciously said “ah-“. When encountering people with slower responses or inexperience, the medical staff will gently signal you “Ah-“.

Then why are you saying you can’t “ah-” now?

Here we must take into account the characteristics of the new crown – high transmission.

Behind the sound of “ah-“, your throat quickly completed a set of actions.

First, the opening of the vocal cords shrinks in preparation, and then a surge of air rushes over the tight vocal cords, causing vibrations.

Image source: sam

The air flow makes the vocal cords vibrate and emits “ah-“, but at the same time, if it is a positive patient, the air flow is likely to cause aerosol transmission.

We want “ah-” again, but can’t “ah-“, what should we do?

In fact, in the video under the topic, the expert did not say that “ah” is not allowed, he is telling everyone not to make a sound “ah-“, but to silently “ah-” -“.

Image source: Jingbao

Simply put, it’s an “ah” tongue position, but don’t exhale, don’t pronounce it.

Image source: Internet + self-made

This article first appeared on Dr. Clove

Planning: Vic Sheep | Producer: Eric

Image source: Internet