Why can’t we give up the dynamic clearing policy, because there are three conditions that have not been met

COVID-19, especially the recent Omic virus infection, has once again brought a great impact on all aspects of our lives. Many people will ask when will the epidemic end, and in what way, is the virus completely eliminated? Or will it coexist for a long time? There is no conclusion yet. But I think it is basically more difficult to completely eliminate the virus. In fact, it is useless to eliminate the virus in our country if it cannot be eliminated internationally. The high probability is that long-term coexistence is more likely, but several conditions need to be met. Otherwise, coexistence is to give up resistance. At that time, the virus will be the knife and I will be the fish, and the virus will become more rampant and produce more mutations. Which conditions?

First, the world epidemic has been initially controlled, and most people in all countries can be vaccinated and work together to fight the virus.

Second, no new and more virulent mutant strains are produced, and the severe and fatality rates after infection are lower than those caused by influenza.

Third, the efficacy of new crown medicines has been verified all over the world. It is necessary to know that there are sometimes differences between the results of clinical trials and the results of the real world.

The reason why we can’t relax is because after the infection of Omicron, the severe and death rate has not dropped to a level that our country can accept. Because the population base is too large, even a low infection rate and severe illness rate will lead to a run on medical resources. It can also cause panic on a psychological level. Before the above conditions are fully met. We still have a long way to go. At present, we still call on everyone to wash their hands frequently, maintain social distance, abide by public regulations, do nucleic acid as nucleic acid, and close-loop management, closed-loop management. Regardless of whether you let go or not, you are responsible for your family, your work unit, and your country.