Why are there more and more patients with cerebral infarction in rural areas? The doctor concluded: mainly the following four reasons

In recent years, more and more rural people around them have been diagnosed with cerebral infarction. Many people are wondering why? Many people say that it is because the living standards in rural areas are getting better and better, but this is only one of the reasons. There are other factors, and doctors are here today. Good answer for everyone.

Bad eating habits

There are many reasons for cerebral infarction. And if you don’t pay attention to a reasonable diet in your daily life. Another example is when you like to eat some high-salt, high-fat, pickled vegetables, sausages and other pickled foods, fried foods, and barbecued foods. At this time, you are prone to cerebral infarction.

And now the rural people have better economic conditions. With the improvement of living standards, many dining tables often contain high-fat meat such as big fish and meat. Over time, three highs will appear, and three highs are the basis of cerebral infarction. At this time, if cholesterol increases, it may lead to thrombosis form and eventually lead to cerebral infarction.

On the contrary, honest people pay more and more attention to health preservation, pay attention to the balance of diet structure, nutrition matching, suitable meat and vegetarian food, not partial or picky eaters in life. . There are fewer problems in the three high schools, so there are fewer cerebral infarction patients in the city.

Stay up late

Let’s think about it, if a person often stays up late, he must have a long-term lack of sleep. Long-term lack of sleep, then our cerebral blood vessels will be in a state of continuous spasm and contraction for a long time, then the blood supply will be affected. The patient’s brain can be damaged, leading to an increased risk of cerebral infarction.

Long-term drinking

We know that since the state restricts excessive drinking, urban people, urban enterprises and institutions have not been able to go to work. After drinking is allowed, many urban drinkers have dropped significantly. Instead, rural people drink much more frequently than urban people, and many rural people drink during New Years and festivals, and many even drink several times a day. , There are many wines brewed by themselves, whether they have passed the national sampling and still drink a lot, drinking too much wine will gradually reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, and will also cause damage to the body’s detoxification function. In the long term, the blood viscosity in the blood vessels will be greatly increased, which will induce the appearance of cerebral infarction.

Unstable mood

Unstable mood increases the risk of cerebral infarction. For example, when we are at home, we should often hear that a family quarreled together, and as a result, after a person made a big fire, he fainted, and he was paralyzed afterwards. Changes in the function of blood vessels and nerves can easily lead to cerebral infarction. Therefore, people who like to lose their temper will change due to the tension of blood vessels and nerves caused by long-term anxiety and depression, then it is easy to cause cerebral infarction.

Comprehensive Summary

More people in rural areas suffer from cerebral infarction than in urban areas, partly due to the lack of health awareness among rural people . At present, many middle-aged and elderly people have high blood pressure, highWith chronic diseases such as blood lipids and diabetes, urban people will basically follow the doctor’s advice to insist on taking medicine, eating a reasonable diet, and maintaining a balanced nutrition.

Patients with cerebral infarction should not only pay attention to a healthy diet, but also develop good living habits, such as quitting smoking and drinking, working and resting on time, exercising properly, and keeping a happy mood Wait.

There is also a need for regular medical examinations. Small lesions are detected in time. Due to lack of health awareness, many rural people do not follow the doctor’s advice and eat when they are free. Don’t eat when busy. As a result, the disease cannot be controlled, and further development will lead to cerebral infarction.