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#Dead Butt Syndrome#

Why is the whole world practicing buttocks?

Glute exercises make the buttocks fuller and taller, and also keep the gluteal muscles strong at all times.

However, many of my friends don’t like to exercise. They sit at work, watch videos, and play with mobile phones every day. As a result, their butts are “dead”…

Let’s talk about the “dead buttock syndrome” that most people who sit for a long time have!

One, what is dead buttock syndrome

Dead buttocks syndrome is also called gluteal muscle amnesia. on people. Under normal circumstances, the gluteal muscles are responsible for supporting the core, maintaining the stability of the pelvis, transmitting the strength of the lower limbs, and participating in daily activities such as walking, running, and jumping.

But sedentary habits take a toll on the glutes.

Muscles follow the “use it or lose it” principle, the glutes are suppressed on the seat for too long, the body “forgets” how to activate them, and it loses its original function.

How to detect gluteal amnesia

① Stand with your hands above your head, palms facing each other p>

② Lift one foot off the ground and keep balance

③ Observe if the hips are tilted to the other side

Important Note: If your hips are tilted to the other side when you lift your leg, you may have been hit and need further evaluation.

Second, what is the harm?

If you suffer from gluteal amnesia, the hips will become flat and loose if they are not effectively activated, and they will become sore and painful after sitting for a long time. . At this time, going to practice the hips is often less effective. Not only that, when our gluteal muscles are dysfunctional, in order to maintain balance, the body will call other muscles to compensate to make up for the failure of the gluteal muscles.

But this compensation ultimately leads to damage.

① Too tight or too weak gluteal muscles can lead to postural imbalance, pelvic instability, and recurrent low back pain.

② The hip joint is very important for the movement of the lower limbs, and the knee/ankle is easily injured if the gluteal muscle is insufficient.

Important: Mild gluteal amnesia, usually presenting as hip soreness; then progressively lower back pain, knee pain, ligament injury, hamstring strain, ankle Sprains (knee and leg problems are common in runners with weak glutes).

Third, how to recover the gluteal muscles of sedentary people who want to save their memory? First of all, it needs to be activated, and then strengthen training. At the same time, we advocate that in daily life, try to avoid sitting for a long time and move around to keep the body active. Next, share 4 daily exercises that can help you wake up and strengthen your glutes!

1, the fascia ball relaxes the hips (the essentials of action)

① Sit on the ground, Put your hands behind your back for support;

② Put your right foot on your left thigh, and roll the fascia ball in a wide range;

③ If you have a sore spot, you can press it for 30 seconds at a fixed point , do 3 sets of left and right turns.

2, hip flexor stretch (essentials)

① Lunge kneeling position, The stretched leg is behind, and the hands are placed on the sides of the pelvis;

② The pelvic torso is kept in a straight line and slightly moved forward to increase the stretch;

③ feel Hold for 20s after pulling and do 4 sets.

*Note that when you do the following exercises, you should feel your buttocks going strong.

3, the crab walks (the essentials of action)

① Tie at the soles of the feet Put on the elastic band, open your feet shoulder-width apart;

② Bend your hips and knees, knees facing the second toe, keep your torso straight;

③ Lift your feet and walk sideways, your body Maintain stability and feel the gluteus medius exerting force;

④ 10 steps for a group, repeat for 4 groups.

4, hip Bridge (Movement Essentials)

①Tie the elastic band with both legs, lie on your back, bend your knees, put your hands on your sides, and tilt your pelvis backwards;

②At the same time when your butt is raised, Against the resistance of the elastic band between the knees, slowly lower;

③ 10 reps, 4 repetitions.

Important: If you train after If there is still no help, or if the situation is more serious and you have lower back, knee and leg pain, please go to the hospital or specialized rehabilitation institution to find a rehabilitation therapist in time to provide you with professional help.


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Finally, please take care of yourself~~

Bless you!