Why are more and more people suffering from uremia? Remind again: 3 habits can not have, too hurt the kidney

In recent years, kidney disease has increasingly appeared in the public eye. We often see or hear reports of uremia, and feel that it is not far from us. On the one hand, it is related to people’s bad habits, and on the other hand, it is related to the environment and the frequent occurrence of chronic diseases. It is really not a good feeling to see the patient data rising year after year.

Kidney disease progresses to the end stage, and the outcome is predictable. Dialysis is inseparable from the word dialysis. The patient suffers and his family is also affected. , Many patients are still young and they are the backbone of the family. According to relevant statistics, 40% of kidney disease patients are between 10-30 years old, and the number is still rising, which makes people feel the crisis. Why are the patients so young? Why is the number of sick people increasing?

How does a healthy kidney develop into uremia?

The simple answer is that the kidneys detoxify. When more and more toxins cannot be excreted, it may cause Uremia. Then, we have to think deeply about why the toxins are accumulated and why they cannot be discharged?

The function of the kidney is to excrete, if it is not excreted, it will be damaged by the accumulated poison and lose its normal structure and function. For example, if you usually likeholding back urine, don’t like drinking water, and drink too much alcohol, there will be a lot of impurities in the concentrated urine, which is very harmful to the kidneys. If it is not discharged in time, it will cause major problems.

Another exampleKidney disease due to polycystic kidney disease, hypertension and diabetes< /strong>, it will slowly damage the kidneys, it will also lead to abnormal function and poor excretion. inflammation and obstruction in the kidney itself are also relatively common.

Seeing this, some people may be nervous. They usually don’t like drinking water. Will this happen in the end? Uremia is not formed all at once. Only when toxins accumulate to a certain level, long-term inflammatory stimulation, and organ function gradually decreases, can it develop to the last step. If you can replenish water in time and regulate your body as soon as possible, you don’t have to worry about it.

Remind once again: 3 habits can not have, too hurt the kidney

Diet too nutritious and heavy

If the food is too good, it will make it difficult for the kidneys to excrete, especially the protein in the meat. It should be properly controlled. Just choose one or two types of meat, milk and eggs. Eat it all. There are also nourishing soups to drink less, the richer the variety, the greater the burden on the kidneys, especially those with a lot of salt, which are not easy to be excreted from the body.

If you have to urinate, you have to endure it

The task at hand is not finished, but when the urge to pee strikes, many people will endure it for a while, thinking that they will go again later. Once this habit is formed, it may lead to pyelonephritis. Remind sedentary people and e-sports people that no matter how busy things are, don’t forget to go to the toilet.

I think I’m too vain to take health medicines

People always have an illusion that as long as they feel uncomfortable, they will think that they are too weak, and there are many ways to regulate their weakness. People will think of taking health care medicines, even common cold medicines, which may damage the kidneys if eaten indiscriminately, not to mention health care products whose ingredients are unknown and exaggerated, and should not be taken for a long time.

Learn which habits can damage the kidneys, so you should pay attention in the future, don’t do it again, and let the kidneys have a chance to breathe. In addition to the above three points, staying up late, chronic diseases out of control, and drinking too little water may damage the kidneys. is the correct solution.

Why don’t many people feel kidney disease?

Kidney disease is not obvious, mild and easy to ignore

Severe abnormality and pain are especially important to people, while mild symptoms are difficult to draw attention to.meaning. At the beginning, the kidneys were not good, but some fatigue and backache, many people didn’t care much, even edema did not appear, and blood pressure was low. No increase, who would think about kidney disease? I always think it’s good to rest for a few days. If the symptoms improve, then I don’t care.

Related to the structural characteristics of the kidney, it is very powerful


Kidneys are like a student, you only need a small amount of effort to get good grades, and so are our kidneys , its number is two, and the other is like a spare. Even if the other is cut off, the human body will not be affected. It is precisely because it is strong and used to it that it is difficult to find out when it has a problem. Often both kidneys are damaged at the time of diagnosis, and the patient may feel that something is wrong at this time.

Chronic kidney disease is not completely cured, nor regularly checked

Kidney problems may not be serious at the beginning, but they can recover quickly with the help of drugs. Some people have completely improved after treatment, and some people have symptoms relieved, but they need to take medicine, Re-examination, but did not follow the doctor’s advice, stopped eating for two or three months, and did not know any changes in the condition. There is also a type of patients who are advised by doctors to take long-term medication, but because fear of side effects do not take the medicine obediently, after a few years or ten years, may progress to uremia.

Not receiving formal medical treatment and trusting the remedies of friends or acquaintances< /span>

Only based on the symptoms on my body, I made a self-diagnosis. I felt that it was because of the increased blood pressure and stomach discomfort, so I dispensed the medicine myself. , or under the introduction of friends and acquaintances, buy health care products, but the money is spent, and the condition is not at all. It can also make an otherwise insignificant illness worse.

In short, there must be a reason for the development of uremia. Don’t always say that you don’t feel it. In fact, your body has already given hints. It can be found by inspection. At the stage of dialysis, the 5-year survival rate is about 87%. Although it can prolong life, it is not so easy. You have to take medicine every day, and you need to pay attention to maintaining your body. As long as you can follow the doctor’s instructions, there is no problem in living for 20 years.


[1]How long can dialysis patients live? Experts Help you to answer. Physician Report Infection Channel. 2020-11-20

[2] Inventory of the three bad habits that damage the kidneys the most. China Net. 2019-06-11

[3] There are more and more people with uremia. The doctor advises you: eat as little as possible of 4 kinds of food, the kidney will be grateful to you · Shangguan News. 2021-02- 15