Why are more and more people suffering from lung cancer in China? Doctor: Not only smoking, these three factors should be paid attention to

Lung cancer is the largest cancer in my country, and its morbidity and mortality ranks first among malignant tumors, and the average 5-year survival rate of lung cancer is only 16%. However, for early stage lung cancer, if comprehensive treatment such as surgery is performed, the 5-year survival rate can reach more than 80%.

There are many factors that cause lung cancer. The most common one is smoking. The greater the risk of developing lung cancer, according to a large number of survey data from various countries, it is shown that the cause of lung cancer is closely related to smoking cigarettes.

Early symptoms of lung cancer, it is recommended to understand the following


Some lung cancer patients will have fever symptoms, which may be caused by inflammation and fever, that is, cancerous fever caused by tumor tissue necrosis absorbed by the body, and it is easy to have repeated fever performance.

Chest tightness and shortness of breath

The vast majority of lung cancer patients will experience chest tightness and shortness of breath after the disease, and this symptom is similar to the symptoms of common lung diseases. The reason for this symptom occurs, The main reason is that the presence of the tumor blocks the bronchi and causes the lung function to decline. As time goes by, the symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath will become more and more serious.

shortness of breath

< p data-track="9">Shortness of breath is another common symptom of lung cancer. Shortness of breath occurs when you breathe faster than usual when you are exerting yourself, or when you are sedentary for a long time. Shortness of breath.

chest and back pain

On the one hand, the lump of lung cancer continues to grow, causing pressure on the chest and back, so there will be chest and back pain. On the other hand, with the coughing The more severe the pain in the chest and back will become.


Cough is one of the early symptoms of lung cancer, and it is also a more obvious symptom of lung cancer. Generally speaking, the cough of lung cancer is dry cough. If the effect is not obvious, we must pay enough attention.

China’s latest cancer report: 1,800 people die from lung cancer every day

According to the material, in the past 20 years, the incidence of lung cancer in China has increased rapidly, and it has become the leading male malignant tumor in terms of mortality. Women are also at the forefront.

From 1975 to the early 1990s, the incidence of lung cancer in Chinese men increased by 120.9%, and in women In 2005, it was estimated that there were 285,000 male lung cancer patients and 143,000 female lung cancer patients in China.

The mortality rate of advanced lung cancer is very high, and nearly 1,800 people are killed by lung cancer every day , Seeing such data, many people are shocked, we have to prevent lung cancer.

Why Chinese suffer from lung cancermore and more? Doctor: Not only smoking, but these three factors should be paid attention to

first : Internal factors of the human body

First of all, it cannot be ruled out that it is the internal reason of our body, maybe our body Among them are the genetic genes of lung cancer, which lead to the occurrence of lung cancer, such as family inheritance, as well as decreased immune function, metabolic activity, endocrine dysfunction, etc., which may also play a certain role in promoting the incidence of lung cancer.

Second: Environmental Pollution p>

Including the large environment, such as the concentration of particulate matter in the air, such as whether there are hazy days, and the pollution of the indoor small environment, including the presence of radon in the living room and formaldehyde items, cooking fumes, soot, etc.

Third: Family Factors p>

House decoration materials and cooking fumes contain a lot of ulcer-causing substances. Passive smoking caused by smoking among family members also It can pollute the family environment, and the cause of lung cancer in women may be related to long-term inhalation of cooking fumes.

What do we need to do to prevent lung cancer?

Stay away from cigarettes< /p>

Studies have found that harmful substances in tobacco are an important factor in the occurrence of lung cancer. Staying away from cigarettes is not only non-smoking, but also passive inhalation of second-hand Smoke, or the nicotine and carbon monoxide in smoke, can cause cancer in the lungs.

Keep away from hazardous environments

The air pollution in some places is very serious, a lot of industrial waste gas and automobile exhaust fill the air, if you live in this environment, it will increase the risk of lung cancer , should stay away.

Avoid oil fumes

The fumes from cooking in daily life may also cause lung cancer. Therefore, before or after cooking, try to keep the air circulating and remove as much oil fumes as possible.

In addition to the above measures, you can also eat more lung-moistening foods, such as Sydney, Tremella, White radish, etc., have a good lung-nourishing effect, which can reduce the occurrence of lung diseases.