Why are cigarettes divided into hard packs and soft packs, what is the difference between the two? People who smoke regularly

So far, the total number of smokers in my country has reached 353 million, with men accounting for about 59.7%, women accounting for about 40.2%, and adolescents accounting for about 1/3 about.

Nowadays, the smoking age is getting younger and younger, and even most people are teenagers. Before leaving the campus, I was exposed to cigarettes early. Smoking has become one of the common phenomena in contemporary society. The economic demand for cigarettes in my country is also in the top three in the ranking.

But according to market statistics, it is found that most liver cancer patients in my country are closely related to long-term smoking. Quit smoking as soon as possible.

With the development of the population, the development of the economic market, and the influence of the population demand, the corresponding products have also increased There are various types of cigarettes, which are gradually divided into soft packs, hard packs, coarse cigarettes, fine cigarettes, bead cigarettes, electronic cigarettes and other types.

A Ukrainian cancer journal published a statement:

1. People who have smoked for more than 30 years are 27% more likely to develop lung cancer than normal people.

2. People who smoke for more than 25 years suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, coronary heart disease, and cerebral thrombosis The probability is 31.2% higher than that of ordinary people.

3. People who smoke more than 6 cigarettes per day suffer from asthma, the probability of chronic bronchitis is greatly increased, and The self-cleaning function of the lungs decreased by 13.2%.

4. The sooner you quit smoking, the better. People who quit smoking early suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and cerebral thrombosis. The probability also dropped by a full 23.1%.

5. The nicotine, tar, and nicotine components in cigarettes are harmful gases. People who smoke for a long time suffer from oral cancer. , Throat cancer, esophageal cancer bronchitis, gastric cancer, liver cancer probability also increased significantly.

Why are cigarettes divided into two packs and hard packs? What is the difference between the two? Regular smokers should learn more about

The cigarettes sold in the market today are divided into hard-packed and soft-packed cigarettes, ranging from 10 Yuan to 20 yuan, 20 yuan to 30 yuan, 30 yuan to hundreds of yuan.

The average price of cigarettes in hard packs is controlled at around RMB 12 to RMB 18, and the price of cigarettes in soft packs is controlled at RMB 20 to RMB 30 per unit. Why do the two have different prices? What is the difference between them?

There are several reasons why soft packs and hard packs vary in price: span>

[different taste]

As we all know, cigarettes contain nicotine tar nicotine, and the level of tar content determines the taste of cigarettes and the pleasure of smoking. Compared with soft and cigarettes, the taste of cigarettes is more spicy, thick and stimulating, which stimulates the brain in a short time, and the central nervous system refers to neurological rejection.

And people and cigarettes are different. In the process of making people and cigarettes, the tar components are filtered twice and three times. The process steps produce tar-like substances, which are dissipated and lost in large quantities. During the smoking process, the taste is softer and more delicious.

[cost varies]

The price of cigarettes is different. The soft-pack cigarettes sold on the market are mainly made of fine cigarette paper during the production process. The steps of different degrees achieve fine results, so the selling price is also lower than that of hard pack cigarettes, and the cost is also lower.

In the process of making hard-core cigarettes, it is usually done in one step. Compared with the high-definition technology used in the filtering of tar substances, the corresponding printing technology of the soft pack is more expensive.

[Personal Psychological Factors]

Most people are When buying cigarettes, it is formed subtly. The more expensive the price, the better the taste, the more expensive the packaging, and the better the quality. The idea of ​​​​communicating with people for a long time, drawing closer feelings between people and negotiating business, people who run business usually choose soft. Pack cigarettes, improve your face, and have a smoother business conversation.

hard packs of cigarettes are stored in pockets, With the behavior of friction and squeezing, the surface is wrinkled and damaged. In social places and business negotiations, usually men will not be able to hand out the cigarettes because of their face, and it looks very scribbled.< /span>

The production process of “soft pack cigarettes”

1. Steam the mature tobacco leaves at high temperature first (it may also be roasted first, and the taste of the tobacco leaves will be different depending on the temperature and time).

2. Put the tobacco leaves into the machine (mainly for refining, cleaning miscellaneous leaves and cutting tobacco leaves) ), the large piece of tobacco leaves is gradually divided into small pieces of compressed tobacco leaves, and then cut into the cut tobacco into the packaging.

3. The packaging of the machine is uniform and the size is the same (this is also the main feature of distinguishing fake cigarettes), The filter tip is packaged with the cut tobacco and cut into segments to make finished cigarettes.

The production process of “hard pack cigarettes”

1. First, choose some tobacco. The price of these tobaccos is not very high. Generally speaking, a pound is about 20 yuan.

2. At the same time, the production process of hard pack cigarettes is very similar to that of broadcast cigarettes, and will also be Mature tobacco leaves are roasted at high temperature.

3. The roasted tobacco leaves are brewed and sorted, the weeds and weeds in the tobacco leaves are cleaned, and finally cut into pieces. Put them into the cigarette case piece by piece.

4. The difference is that the production process of hard pack cigarettes is very simple. Three sides are stacked, and the words are buttoned at the end, and the cigarettes can be loaded into it.

Health Tips – How to Quit Smoking Fast?

1. Goal incentive method

Want to make it clear that your purpose of quitting smoking is a whim? If you really want to quit smoking, if you really want to quit smoking, you might as well think about the health of your family, your own health, and the harm caused by smoking when you smoke, so as to help you improve your autonomy in quitting smoking.

2. Alternative therapy

For example, when you want to smoke, you can use chewing gum, eating melon seeds, eating peanuts, and drinking water instead of smoking, which can reduce the damage and harm to the human body to a certain extent. When you want to quit smoking, use these types of items as substitutes , can effectively relieve smoking addiction.

3. Eat apples

According to the ingredients extracted by food nutritionists, the acidic substances contained in apples are as high as 47.2%. It can excrete nicotinic toxins contained in the body and help improve the repair function of the lungs.

4. Drink more water

Those who are addicted to smoking cannot achieve the purpose of quitting smoking through their own self-control. At this time, they can drink water to satisfy the satiety of the stomach and reduce smoking. It is also conducive to the excretion of uric acid components in the human body, expelling excess toxins and garbage components in the body, and reducing the pressure and burden on organs. #Xiafang Health Guide#
