Why are asymptomatic infections and confirmed cases reported separately? This is an important step towards defeating the epidemic

With the spread of Omicron Ba.2, the figures in the daily epidemic reports are constantly being refreshed, and many people have noticed that there are some special features in the figures. That is, asymptomatic infections and confirmed cases are reported separately. Why? First, let’s take a serious look at what asymptomatic infections and confirmed cases are.

Confirmed Cases

A confirmed case is a positive virological test (nucleic acid), and has clinical symptoms or abnormal blood and imaging tests. If the infected person has no clinical symptoms, but there are lesions in the lung CT examination, It can also be diagnosed as a confirmed case. It is nucleic acid (required) + symptoms or hematological abnormalities or CT abnormalities (one of the three).

Asymptomatic infection

Asymptomatic infected persons have no relevant clinical symptoms (no abnormal body sensation, and no abnormal physical examination), but the respiratory tract and other specimens have new coronavirus etiology (usually refers to nucleic acid testing). In other words, there must be two conditions, nucleic acid positive + no symptoms, hematological changes and imaging changes, the virus will be killed after going through the body without doing anything.

There are two cases in the dynamic observation process of asymptomatic infection. One is that there is no follow-up abnormality, and there is no symptoms until the nucleic acid turns negative, hematological changes and CT changes. Symptoms appear, turn into confirmed cases, or even turn into severe cases, which is actually similar to the concept of incubation period.

There are two reasons why we now report asymptomatic cases separately from confirmed cases.

In the first and ninth editions of the diagnosis and treatment plan, the isolation measures for asymptomatic infections and mild patients have been revised. In the eighth edition, asymptomatic infections and mild patients are relatively The management is still relatively strict. When necessary, it must be sent to a regular medical institution for isolation. Now it is not necessarily the case. It can be changed to closed community + home isolation, or sent to an isolation point for centralized isolation. This isolation point is not necessarily a special medical treatment. Institutions (the Shanghai Epidemic Press Conference has been interpreted, you can search for the video to watch).

Second, the prevention and control measures of the epidemic are constantly being revised and changed. During the epidemic, everyone’s life is very difficult. Many people call for liberalization, but liberalization requires a It is a process, and it must be psychologically prepared. Data statistics should be used as a foreshadowing, including the rate of mild patients turning to severe disease and the fatality rate, the rate of asymptomatic infection turning mild disease and even the probability of turning to severe disease and the mortality rate, and finally obtained through data analysis. The scientific basis is that it can be released only if it can be released. Without the support of data, it cannot give the common people a credible guidance at all, and it is also a manifestation of being responsible for everyone’s health and life.

Separate reporting of asymptomatic infections and confirmed cases is an important step in the evolution of epidemic prevention and control. The previous statistics showed that the severe rate was high, and they were not reported separately before the release of the virus. necessary. Don’t think that the country is not in a hurry to let go, and the country hopes to return to a normal state earlier, but everything has to be done step by step. There is a factual basis that when it comes to letting go, it will definitely let go. Recklessly letting go will only lead to loss of control. , the loss of each person must be much greater than the current stable isolation and at least very healthy.