Whole-wheat flour 200g contains a variety of vitamins, “brown sugar whole-wheat steamed bread” has a strong sense of satiety

Pasta is a food mainly made of flour. There are different types of pasta all over the world. The main nutrients of pasta are protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc. Pasta is easy to digest and Absorption, has the effects of improving anemia, lowering blood lipids, enhancing immunity, and balancing nutrient absorption. Regular consumption of pasta in daily life is very beneficial to health.

Brown sugar sweetness

Brown sugar whole wheat buns, fragrant milk With the sweetness of brown sugar, it is fragrant and rich. Every mouthful is full of the mellowness of wheat and the natural sweet fragrance of brown sugar. It is very elastic, sweet and chewy. Whole wheat food refers to the use of wheat without the bran to be ground into flour. The food made is darker in color and rougher in taste than the refined flour with bran removed, such as the rich and strong flour that we generally eat. If it is higher, whole wheat is rich in wheat bran, and the taste will be much rougher, but the finished steamed bread is chewy, with a strong wheat flavor and strong satiety. It is a good choice as a healthy meal replacement.

Principles of Healthy Eating

Eating more whole grains in daily life is an important principle of a healthy diet, because whole grains are not only low in fat and high in fiber, but also in the amount of vitamins and minerals. Higher, studies have continuously confirmed that people who eat more whole wheat grains have a lower chance of developing heart disease and certain cancers. Due to the different water absorption of each flour, liquid materials should not be added all at once, and whole wheat flour The amount of water absorption will be relatively large, please increase or decrease as appropriate depending on the state of the dough. The whole wheat flour used is refrigerated and hydrolyzed one day in advance. In daily life, the whole wheat bran can be fully absorbed to keep the finished product moist and taste. In addition, overnight refrigeration and hydrolysis can promote bran. Quality formation, enhance the aroma and sweetness of wheat.

rich in vitamins

Whole wheat flour is rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin (ie vitamin B3), calcium, iron, zinc and other trace elements, which are common in the market. The flour with the highest nutritional value in the flour, because whole wheat flour is rich in wheat bran, which will affect the formation of gluten. When kneading the dough, pay attention to the state of the dough, do not over-mix, so as not to cut off the gluten, and knead it until it is smooth. This type of steamed bread uses a lot of whole wheat flour. Whole wheat flour retains all the nutrients of wheat, so it tastes healthier. Because whole wheat is rich in wheat bran, the taste will be much rougher than white steamed bread, but the finished steamed bread is very Chewy.

Hydrolyzed Whole Wheat Dough

Materials, hydrolyzed whole wheat dough: Queen T150 whole wheat flour 200g, water 200ml, main dough: T170 rye flour 150g, low-gluten flour 200g, milk powder 50g, brown sugar 60g flour, 50g warm water, 200g Lupin seeds, production steps: Mix whole wheat flour and water, stir well, knead into a smooth dough, let it sit overnight, add rye flour, low-gluten flour, milk powder, brown sugar, warm water and Lupin seeds , stir evenly, arrange the dough into a circle and put it in a bowl, add water to the water tank of the steam oven, select the fermentation function, set 28 degrees, carry out basic fermentation to about 1 times the size, take out, exhaust, cut into small pieces, and ferment to 2 times the size , After the fermentation is over, the steam oven is directly switched to the steam mode, the steamed buns are put into the steam for about 20 minutes, and then simmered for 5 minutes before leaving the oven.

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