Who is more likely to die suddenly? After dissecting more than 5,000 corpses, doctors found that they had 5 characteristics

What is the experience of sudden death? A netizen shared her experience online:

Source: Internet

< p>About a month or two ago, I had dizziness, headache, shoulder and back pain from time to time. Anyway, I felt very tired every day. A salted fish, lying quietly.

However, I thought it might be caused by staying up late and lack of exercise, so I didn’t pay much attention to it.

Two days before the onset of cerebral infarction, my shoulders, back, and waist frequently had soreness, and I felt a little chest tightness, shortness of breath, and palpitation.

On the day of the cerebral infarction, I happened to be in the hospital with my dad to measure blood pressure.Suddenly my eyes turned black and my scalp was numb. The whole body can’t exert any strength, and I almost fellover. And I was sweating all the time, nauseated, and nauseous, and then I lost consciousness.

And during the whole process, I always regarded these symptoms as other symptoms, and it was not linked to sudden cerebral infarction at all, but in fact, the body was a few months old. Prompted before!

I was lucky this time. I happened to be in the hospital when the disease attacked and received timely help, but for some young people who have died suddenly, there is no future. I hope that everyone will not ignore the alarm of the body like me in the future, and avoid missing the best time for treatment.

1. How long does it take for you to die suddenly when you sleep at two or three in the morning?

According to the 2020 National Health Insights Report, 53% of people have ever worried about their sudden death. Because many people stay up until two or three in the morning every day before going to bed, but although they are very worried about whether they will die suddenly, the “rotten” has never stopped.

How long will sudden death occur if this continues for a long time?

A high school student named Randy Gardner in California, USA, conducted a sleep deprivation experiment and gave the answer: 266 hours (11 days, current record).

  • When he didn’t sleep for 24 hours, his concentration, judgment, memory, hand-eye coordination were significantly decreased, and his mood was not stable;
  • When he hadn’t slept for 48 hours, his brain response became very sluggish, and he began to enter microsleep, but he didn’t know it; when he hadn’t slept for 72 hours, he had obvious cognitive He suffered from cognitive impairment and hallucinations;
  • In the last few days, these conditions worsened, and by day 11, his memory had dropped to only 1 minute.

Of course, this is just an example, only for reference, a How long a person can survive without sleep varies from person to person.

However, sudden deaths continue to occur.

According to the data released by the National Cardiovascular Center in 2019, more than 550,000 people in my country leave the world due to sudden cardiac death every year.< strong>This means that, on average, someone dies every minute. It can be seen that sudden death is very close to each of us.

2. Who is more likely to die suddenly? After dissecting more than 5,000 cases of sudden death, we found the answer

When it comes to sudden death, many people do not have a clear concept, so how can it be considered sudden death?

WHO defines sudden death as follows: the sudden death of an otherwise healthy or seemingly healthy person due to a natural disease in an unexpectedly short period of time. The occurrence of sudden death is mostly related to factors such as overtime, overwork, staying up late, smoking, drinking, etc..

Who is more prone to sudden death? A study published in “China Emergency Medicine”, after analyzing the autopsy of 5516 cases of sudden death, found that these people have the following characteristics:

1. The primary cause: sudden cardiac death

There are many types of sudden death, among which sudden cardiac death is the most common, accounting for 57.76%, and sudden pulmonary death accounts for 57.76%. 21.63%, and sudden brain death accounted for 9.21%.

2. High incidence age group: 30-63 years old

The middle-aged period itself is Sudden cardiac death is more likely to occur in the high-risk period of disease formation, coupled with high stress, poor eating habits, staying up late, smoking and drinking, etc.

3. Over 50% of the causes of death: “too excited”, ” Too tired”

Among them, emotional excitement accounted for 26%, and overwork accounted for 25%, which should be paid special attention.

4. Chronic disease history: Hypertension is the most common

Among them, hypertension The most common, accounting for 37.95%, heart disease accounted for 30.02%, diabetes accounted for 23.79%; in addition, it is also related to dysplasia, hyperlipidemia, tumor, infection, hyperthyroidism.

5. Common symptoms: sudden onset, resting and sleeping

Among them,

span>The most common are seizures, resting sleep, vomiting. There are many patients with dizziness, nausea, headache, chest tightness, palpitations and other discomfort.

Therefore, these high-risk groups of sudden death should be vigilant. If you have frequent chest tightness, palpitation, persistent bradycardia, unexplained syncope, and fatigue for no reason in the near future. If you have symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Third, what can we do to prevent sudden death?

Sudden death is often very sudden, so we should pay more attention to the prevention of sudden death, so as to avoid its occurrence as much as possible.

1. Moderate exercise

A study by the Sinai Heart Institute in the United States states: If middle-aged people can persist in exercising, the incidence of sudden cardiac death can be significantly reduced.

It is recommended that you exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week for 30 minutes each time. As for sports, swimming, badminton, aerobics, etc. are all acceptable.

2. Regular physical examinations

For example, ECG examinations can help us detect potential “Sudden death signal” to prevent problems before they happen.

3. Stay away from bad habits< /p>

Excessive drinking, smoking, playing video games, staying up late, etc. are all risk factors for sudden death, so if you want to prevent sudden death, you must try to stay away from these bad habits.

Sudden death may happen to everyone, so everyone must master these preventive methods and strive to stay away from “sudden death”.

Extension – When sudden death occurs, master the “Golden Four Minutes”

When sudden death occurs, if you can master the “Golden Four Minutes”, you will be saved Live about half of the patients.

What are the “Golden Four Minutes”? That is, within 4 minutes after the onset of the disease, first aid measures such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation are performed on the patient.

When first aid, keep these 4 points in mind

1. Calm : Don’t panic, keep calm, in order to better solve the problem;

< span>2. Lying down: When sick, do not move around, and rest in a comfortable position;

3. Take medicine: If you have chronic disease problems, you need to take it in time to relieve discomfort;

4. Call : Dial 120 in time, wait in place, and don’t run around to avoid ventricular fibrillation on the way.

Summary: Sudden death is actually very close to each of us, so everyone needs to have awareness of prevention, do a good job in prevention, find abnormalities, seek medical treatment in time, and strive to put Remove “sudden death” from your life forever.


[1] “Sudden Deaths One After Another” The incident reminds us to understand the early warning symptoms of sudden death, and it can save lives at critical moments! “.Health Times.2019-12-07

[2]”One person dies suddenly every minute! 3 tricks to teach you to escape from the “blacklist” of death”. Life Times. 2016-05-29

[3] “Be vigilant! After dissecting more than 5,000 cases of sudden death, it was found that people who died suddenly have these rules…”. Popular Science China. 2020-08-12

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