Who is healthier if you insist on taking a nap or those who never take a nap? The doctor gives the answer

Introduction: Sleep is the basic need of our life, the basic way of life for human beings to survive, and the important foundation for maintaining good health, like air, moisture, and food.

People’s physical and mental fatigue is mainly recovered by adequate sleep, It’s impossible, and even more impossible, to stay healthy if you’re chronically sleep deprived.

So regular and adequate sleep is an important guarantee for good health. We all needTo correctly understand the importance of sleep regularity, and to follow this regularity, can be more conducive to physical health.

In addition to sleeping at night, naps are also very common for all of us, there are many people who think naps are very important, while others think naps are a waste of time.

So insist on naps and nevernap Who is healthier than humans?


Academician Zhong Nanshan: I insist on sleeping for half an hour at noon every day

Lunch break is actuallymeaning that a nap at noon can bring relaxation to both the body and spirit, nap and sleep at night It’s the same, naps can not only help eliminate, but also eliminate irritability and maintain a good emotional state due to the stress of work during the day.

In fact, on the topic of naps, Academician Zhong Nanshan In the interview of the program, he said frankly, he said that taking a nap is equivalent to a “gas station” for the body.

So no matter what, Academician Zhong Nanshan will take a nap for a while every day, no matter how busy he is at work, so that Can make up for the time to sleep every day, So who is healthier than those who insist on taking a nap and those who never take a nap?


Who is healthier than those who insist on taking a nap or who never take a nap? Doctors say the answer

people who nap have more stable blood pressure than those who don’t nap

Stay napping for more than mental health , can also play a stable blood pressure control effect. The analysis of the five taxes of Chinese medicine shows that people who persist for a long time at the age of 5 will have a very stable and continuous trend in their blood pressure levels compared with normal people.

and there are experimental studies confirming that people who develop a nap habit,< strong>Your blood pressure changes and nap time are in a proportional trend.

and the study divided 210 subjects into two groups, span>Finally, the results of the study showed that compared with those who never took a nap, the high pressure was 5.4 mm Hg lower.This can help to a certain extent It has played a 15% prediction on the symptoms of hypertension in clinical medicine.Anti-decreasing effect.

Nip naps have a lower risk of stroke< /span>

Relevant studies have found that people who can take a nap three times a week have a higher risk of heart disease and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems such as stroke. The risk is lower than those who never nap.

Napping improves brain cell activity It also helps to promote the development of brain cell vitality, which can not only prevent blood vessel blockage problems, but also help reduce the incidence of stroke.

People who insist on naps are more resistant than those who never nap< /span>

Insist on taking a nap can effectively promote the repair and regulation of the immune system, which One point has certain benefits for improving immunity and resistance.

and stick to middaysleep can promote whole-body Blood flow, activating immune cells, improving the internal environment in the body and helping to improve the body’s resistance.

People who take naps consistently have better cognitive function than those who never nap

According to the research on sleep therapy of Chinese population, researchers from our country’s medical community have conducted group tests to assess Beijing, Shanghai and Nanchang, etc., make relevant observations through grouped data.

In-depth analysis and surveys show that long-term stabilityA 5-year-old’s own cognitive ability and the repair ability of the brain’s central nervous transport system are about 35% higher than normal people.

This also means sticking to a nap, in In old age, language communication ability and orientationability also show a stable and continuous development state, and can effectively prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.


Nap is good, but avoid these 2 bad postures

< span>Sleep immediately after lunch

Immediately after eating Taking a nap can easily slow down the peristalsis of the stomach, which is not only unfavorable for digestion, but also easy to bring about problems such as stomach pain.

Sleep on your stomach

Many office workers, due to work, usually lie on the desk in the morning when they take a nap< /span>, but such a posture is less likely to harm your health.

Sleeping on the table, because many joints and muscles are tense and nerves are compressed when sleeping , it will affect the normal blood circulation and nerve conduction for a long time, causing the body to experience soreness, numbness and pain.

Not only that,Over time, it will also evolve into local nerve palsyparalysis or facial deformation, which will affect the response speed of the brain. , so it is not recommended that you go to bed directly on your stomach.


Have a healthy nap with these 3 tips

Adjust the best time for a nap

Many people think that naps get better Sleepy, After sleeping, the whole person is very tired, it is better not to take a nap, in fact, you are not sure about the nap time.

The best time to take a nap is 15 minutes to 30< /strong>minutes, 20 minutes is the best state, the longer you sleep, the more likely you will feel tired.

Chair instead of table< /span>

We mentioned lying on the table to sleep in the morning in the above content, will be easy to give Harmful to the brain and face, so you can sleep in a chair when you usually take a nap.

If the chair cannot be reclined, you can buy two pillows, As for the support for the lumbar spine in the afternoon, it can relieve the pressure on the neck muscles and spine after falling asleep.

Keep warm during naps

Although the weather is getting warmer day by day, everyone should also pay attention to keeping warm, our body temperature will drop during a nap , If you don’t cover something , it will be easy to catch a cold.

Conclusion: To sum up, naps can bring benefits to the body, but everyone should also pay attention to the way , so as to be more conducive to good health!