Who is healthier, a crybaby or a non-cryer? The answer is surprising

“Crying and crying” – is an innate human instinct, and like breathing and heartbeat, it is one of the skills that you can learn without a teacher. But with the popularity of chicken soup for the soul such as “Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou do not believe in tears, and the workplace does not believe in tears”, “crying” has gradually become a hidden skill in the eyes of many adults. Either beat to death without crying, or suddenly collapse at three in the morning and cry until dawn…

Source: soogif

Cry too much, will you cry blindly? I can’t cry, is that normal? How can I cry well?

You may not know how important it is for a person to have the ability to cry normally!

Where do human tears come from?

Lovelorn women will complain: The tears I shed now are all the water that went into my mind back then! My mind says I don’t carry the pot. In fact, our tears are produced from the lacrimal gland at the corner of the eye. There are 10-12 excretory ducts in the lacrimal gland. After the tears are produced, they are discharged from these excretory ducts.

Source: Tencent Medical Illustrator

And the human lacrimal gland can secrete tears at any time. We are 996, and the excretory duct of the lacrimal gland is also 996. It is not only called tears when we cry. Where did those unshed tears go?

These tears are continuously and evenly spread on the surface of the eyeball through our small movements of blinking and turning the eyeball to form a film, the “tear film”, which continuously wets the ocular surface and forms a barrier for the eyes. It can sterilize, prevent the cornea from being violated, and prevent inflammation, and this layer of film can also form a perfect optical surface, which directly affects the clarity of what we see as part of refraction.

Touched! Tears in my eyes have done so much for us! So, should I cherish every tear in my eyes and shed as little as possible?

This may not be up to us.

Is tears detoxing after emotional stress?

Lovelorn tears, grievance tears, and onion-smoked tears! Everyone here, probably have experienced it~ Why can’t I control myself and let my tears fall?

Actually, our tears are divided into two types:

Reflective tears – automatically secreted when stimulated

Emotional Tears – Influenced by Environment and Emotions

Both kinds of tears are controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Human emotions will trigger the parasympathetic nerves in the nervous system. The neurotransmitters of the parasympathetic nerves stimulate the lacrimal glands and say “you can cry” signal, so you naturally burst into tears.

For many adults, the dual pressures of work and life are often overwhelming. If you cry at the right time, you will find that life is not that difficult. , the physical and mental stress was suddenly reduced.

Source: Tencent Medical Illustrator

Crying after emotional distress, can it really relieve stress?

Scientists have long been interested in this question. William Frey II, a psychologist at the University of Minnesota, is one of them. In 1981, he performed a famous experiment, collecting the tears of thousands of “tears” volunteers. One is reflex tears, such as those produced by onions stimulating the lacrimal glands; the other is tears shed after mood swings. After chemical analysis of the tear components, he found that the two kinds of tears are really different [1].

Generally speaking, our basic tears contain sodium salt (singed in the lyrics: salty tears), and some proteins, such as lysozyme, lactoferrin, immunoglobulin, etc. etc. [2].

In experiments, researchers found that tears shed due to mood swings also contained more prolactin, adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH, and neurotransmitter leucine enkephalin. etc… And most of these ingredients are the stress products of people in a state of stress (suffering from stress, grievances or dangerous events). Studies have also found that these tears contain hundreds to thousands of times more manganese than the manganese concentration in our blood plasma.

Seeing this, many friends are eager to try it! There are so many “miscellaneous” things in the tears, can we detoxify by crying more?

Source: Zhanku Hailuo

To say that tears relieve stress, it is feasible! But relying on these tens of milliliters of tears to achieve the purpose of detoxification, this is a bit unrealistic!

After all, “everything to talk about toxicity without the dose” is a hooligan… Take “manganese” as an example, manganese can be excreted in daily life through urination, perspiration, and excretion of feces. The content of manganese in tears is 20-40 ng/ml. According to this dose, the manganese content of 200 grams of feces excreted a day can be worth the manganese contained in 400 kilograms of tears!

The “poison” that can be solved by the last paid shit, why rely on 400 kilograms of tears…

Source: soogif

Therefore, it is basically unrealistic to cry for detoxification, but if it is a psychological detoxification, it may be more appropriate! Moreover, tears and crying are also an unusual movement of the respiratory system and nervous system, which also relaxes the emotions and muscles, which makes people relaxed.

What’s the matter with my vision loss after crying?

Many people’s eyes are swollen after crying, and sometimes they feel blurry when they see things, which is heartbreaking! Don’t be afraid, it’s actually quite normal, mostly a temporary physiological phenomenon!

Exhausting all the strength to cry, venting, and frequent exercise of the muscles around the eyes will increase blood supply and cause congestion in the eyes, which will cause redness and discomfort to the eyes.

In addition, due to excessive secretion stimulation of tears, the composition of tears will change, which will lead to differences in the osmotic pressure and pH of the entire ocular surface, and the microenvironment of the ocular surface will also change. Some changes may stimulate the corneal epithelium, and the water content of the cornea may also change at this time, which affects the refractive state of the eyes and affects the clarity of seeing.

And a situation like “I’m going to cry blind” that people often talk about is almost impossible to happen. If it does happen, it won’t be caused by crying. But before crying, there is a certain underlying disease in itself. At this time, beware of the indirect blindness caused by “crying”:

Acute angle-closure glaucoma:

It is more common in older people because the lens thickens and has increased water content, which can lead to a narrowing of the entire anterior chamber angle, forming the basis for glaucoma.

Corneal infection:

If the cornea itself has been “damaged”, such as inflammation of the cornea, corneal damage caused by accidental bumps, etc., it is easy to be invaded by bacteria and cause corneal infection.

So, if you cry blindly, you will never be able to cry blindly in this life! But…

I’m afraid that this group of young people won’t be able to cry if they want to!

Why do you say that? Just look at the popularity of Internet celebrity eye drops in recent years. I work 996, my eyes are always facing the computer, and I have to brush my phone for three hours before going to bed. I often have red eyes and dry tears, so my eyes are dry, astringent, itchy, and have a foreign body sensation. Therefore, I have a bottle of eye drops and a few drops when they dry…

Computers, mobile phones, air-conditioned rooms… These changes in living habits have led to the increasing detection rate of dry eye syndrome, the eyes cannot “tear” normally, and the integrity and stability of the tear film Sex is destroyed.

There are two common forms of dry eye: evaporative and hyposecretory. Dry eye types can be classified and treated with dry eye testing equipment in the hospital.

Here I would like to remind everyone: the ingredients contained in the net red eye drops are complex, and are mixed with many ingredients that are not needed for dry eye treatment. It is very irritating to the ocular surface, but it will aggravate it. Adverse reactions, such as the following 3 common risk factors:

Preservative (Benzalkonium Chloride): Long-term use can cause damage to the corneal epithelium, which in turn aggravates dry and itchy eyes. Most of the eye drops we use every day contain preservatives!

Hormones (dexamethasone, prednisolone, etc.): Continuous use for more than 4 weeks may lead to hormonal glaucoma, hormonal cataract, etc. Therefore, this type of hormone medication must strictly control the use time and use it according to the doctor’s advice.

vasoconstrictor (naphazoline): These drugs work quickly, but long-term use can cause dry eyes; patients with high blood pressure should be more cautious.

For office workers who stay in an air-conditioned room for a long time and use their eyes for a long time, if they really want to prepare one, it is recommended to use artificial tears without preservatives to relieve dry and itchy eyes. question.

Of course, it is best to choose the eye drops that suit you after seeing a doctor, which is the safest!

Young people, don’t stay up late! Eyes are the most affected organ in our body, it deserves our good care! Cry when you need it… After all, crying is also a lever to promote emotional communication~


[1] Frey, William & Desota-Johnson, Denise & Hoffman, Carrie & McCall, John. Effect of Stimulus on the Chemical Composition of Human Tears. American journal of ophthalmology[J]. 1981(92): 559-67.

[2] Dou Hongbin, Tang Gaoxia. Chemical composition and physiological effects of tears[J]. Chemistry World, 1990(10):48.

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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