WHO calls on: Stop eating “2 vegetarian food”, eating one bite is equivalent to “sprinkling sugar” on islets, and throwing them away as soon as possible

At present, diabetes has gradually become a metabolic disease that affects human health. Once everyone suffers from it, it will bear a heavy economic and health burden. People with diabetes also need to pay special attention to their diet and living habits. You also need to measure your blood sugar every day to monitor your blood sugar levels.

Ms. Zhang, 37, works in a bank. Because of her work, she sits in front of the counter all day. Moreover, Ms. Zhang is also not fond of sports, and always goes straight home after get off work. Last year, the bank organized a physical examination. Ms. Zhang was diagnosed with diabetes, and her fasting blood sugar was as high as 12.8mmol/L.

The doctor told her to pay attention to her diet and not to eat too much sugary food. So from that day on, Ms. Zhang gave up sweets and seldom even ate her favorite meat. Ms. Zhang thought her blood sugar could be well controlled, but she didn’t expect to faint at work. After being taken to the hospital, doctors diagnosed diabetic ketoacidosis.

After rescue, Ms. Zhang was lucky to be out of danger. Later, the doctor communicated with her and learned that Ms. Zhang insisted on eating vegetarian food every day in order to control her blood sugar, but she ignored that the glycemic index of 2 kinds of vegetarian food was also high.

WHO calls: stop eating “2 vegetarian food”, eating one bite is equivalent to “sprinkling sugar” on the islets, and throwing them away as soon as possible

1. Potatoes

As a common vegetable, potatoes are delicious no matter how they are prepared, but for people with high blood sugar, they should be avoided as much as possible Eat potatoes. A study was published in the “New England Journal of Medicine”. As a potato food, the glycemic index of potatoes is about 60%. Excessive consumption will damage the function of pancreatic islets, affect sugar metabolism, and increase blood sugar.

2. Pickles

The pickles are pickled and have a refreshing taste. However, in the process of pickling, a large amount of salt is added, and salt will increase the burden on human pancreatic islets and increase blood sugar. The “Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents” also clearly points out that it is better for adults to consume no more than 6g of salt per day.

If you want to control blood sugar levels, you can do 3 more things every day, or you can make blood sugar slowly stabilize

One: Food supplements

If you want to improve blood sugar levels, in addition to adjusting your daily diet, you can also supplement [Pubaishuangsu] to help regulate sugar metabolism. Enhance islet function. [Pu Beishuangsu] is made from tempe powder, kudzu root, cordyceps militaris, ginseng, cassia seeds, etc., which has a certain auxiliary effect on hypoglycemic .

Studies have shown that tempeh powder can improve islet function, promote the normal secretion of insulin, help metabolize excess sugar content in the blood, and improve blood sugar levels.

Cordyceps militaris in Cordyceps militaris can quickly enter the body to promote the rapid decomposition and metabolism of sugar in the blood, thereby reducing blood sugar levels and improving the symptoms of three more and one less caused by high blood sugar.

Combined with pueraria, ginseng and other substances, it can dilate blood vessels, enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, avoid the accumulation of harmful substances such as sugar in blood vessels, and prevent the occurrence of diabetes complications.

People with high blood sugar can usually take 2 capsules of 【Pu Beishuangsu】 in the morning and evening, or it may help restore blood sugar levels.

Two: Eat more whole grains

People with high blood sugar should reduce sugar intake , Eat more whole grains. The fiber content of coarse grains is very high. After eating, it will not cause any burden on the body while supplementing the body with comprehensive nutrition. For example: celery, bitter gourd, fungus and cabbage, etc., can play a role in reducing blood sugar. certain auxiliary effects.

Three: maintain weight

Obesity is one of the predisposing factors for diabetes, and people with high blood sugar If you are overweight, the body’s metabolism will be disordered and endocrine disorders will lead to increased blood sugar and aggravation of the disease. Therefore, diabetic patients should insist on exercising, increase the amount of exercise, accelerate the rapid consumption of excess sugar in the body, avoid weight gain, and prevent obesity.


In addition, People with high blood sugar must pay attention to the nourishment of water in life, because water helps the body detoxify, promote the discharge of urine from the body, and reduce the sugar in the blood to prevent excess sugar from accumulating in the blood vessels. to blood circulation and increase blood sugar level.


[1] Look at blood sugar Talk about diet – why eating more vegetables is not good for blood sugar? Diabetes World, 2015

[2] “Can eating potatoes lead to diabetes? Can diabetics eat potatoes?” Ruan Guangfeng, 2019

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