WHO: 1 in 3 cancers are preventable? Do these 5 things well, don’t let cancer cells come to your door

Cancer has always been a difficult problem for human medicine to overcome, and many people often talk about “cancer” discoloration.

Cancer, medically known as “cancer.”

It is a malignant tumor originating from epithelial tissue. It is a kind of tumor. In daily life, the cancer we often refer to refers to all tumors. Tumors can also be divided into benign tumors and malignant tumors.

Benign tumors can be treated when they are benign. Compared with malignant tumors, malignant tumors grow more rapidly and have a strong invasion of normal cells.

Once it spreads, it will enter the stage 4 of anti-cancer, and it will enter the advanced stage of cancer, and the chance of recovery is very small.

For this reason, in order to raise the awareness of cancer prevention and control, the public’s awareness of cancer prevention, so every year from April 15th to 21st is the National Cancer Prevention Awareness Week /strong>.

Data shows that 1 in 3 cancers can be prevented

According to data released by the World Health Organization, about 20 million new cancer patients will be diagnosed worldwide in 2021, and the number of deaths will be about 10 million.

But most of the data are the result of long-term interactions between external carcinogens and the human body, so 1/3 of cancers are completely preventable, and 1/3 of cancers can be cured through early detection.

Additionally, 1 in 3 cancers can be prolonged and pain relieved by the use of existing medical treatments.

To prevent cancer, acquired factors play an important role

There are many factors that cause cancer, both genetic factors that we cannot change, and acquired factors that we can correct one day.

Especially an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to a “mass outbreak” of cancer.

So, what do we need to do in our daily lives to prevent cancer?

First, eat right

Relevant research surveys show that nearly half of cancer occurrences are closely related to poor daily eating habits.

High-calorie, high-cholesterol, and high-fat foods are easy to cause obesity, and obesity is associated with liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, etc.;

I often like to eat some foods with high salt content, which can easily cause gastric cancer and esophageal cancer.

Second, regular life

Lack of insomnia for extended periods of time, or staying up late greatly increases the risk and chance of developing various cancers, such as for women, regular sleep Not enough, the risk of breast cancer increases to 50%.

In addition, staying up late for a long time will also reduce the secretion of melatonin in the human body, which is also very unfavorable for maintaining the health of the human immune system.

Third, stay away from alcohol and tobacco

Tobacco and alcohol are also very harmful to the human body. The harmful substances such as alcohol, tar, nicotine and nicotine contained in them are difficult to be quickly excreted from the body in a short period of time.

These junk toxins will accumulate in the body and be transported to various parts by the blood for reabsorption, which is very bad for maintaining the health of various tissues and organs in the body.

People who smoke for a long time will also have a greatly increased risk of lung cancer and liver cancer, so it is better to quit smoking and drinking as soon as possible!

Fourth, insist on physical examination

The development of any disease takes a long time.

If you can adhere to the physical examination, you will find the lesions at an early stage as soon as possible, and at the same time cooperate with the doctor’s treatment, to a large extent, the disease can be well controlled.

Especially some common colon, chronic atrophic gastritis, chronic inflammation of cervix, etc. These diseases are not considered cancer in the early stage, but if they are not treated in time If so, it will greatly increase the possibility of cancer.

Fifth, learn to enjoy life

Research studies have shown that long-term exposure to a stressful environment, or negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, and irritability, will cause some stress reactions in the human body.

These stress responses will reduce the body’s immunity, which will allow cancer cells to take advantage. Therefore, if you want to truly prevent cancer, you must balance your mentality.

Cancer prevention is inseparable from good living habits.

As for those so-called anti-cancer foods, their anti-cancer effects are very limited. Instead of relying on them, it is better to develop a good and healthy life.