White-collar workers sit for a long time with cold pain in the lower back

Professor Zhang Zhongde, Vice President of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Vice President of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Text/Reporter from Yangcheng Evening News Lin Qingqing’s correspondent Shen Zhong

Medical case: Ms. Zou, 40 years old, with low back pain for more than 5 years

Ms. Zou, who is just over 40 years old, is a white-collar worker who often sits at work for long hours. She started to have low back pain 5 years ago, thinking it was caused by sitting for a long time, thinking that doing some exercises might improve it. Unexpectedly, after exercising, Ms. Zou’s low back pain worsened, and sometimes the pain would affect her sleep. When I wake up in the morning, I also feel that my waist is stiff and my activities are limited, which can be relieved by walking and twisting my waist. The hospital examination, was diagnosed as lumbar disc herniation. After a period of Chinese and Western medicine treatment, Ms. Zou’s symptoms finally improved, and her low back pain basically disappeared. But in the past 3 months, Ms. Zou has suffered from low back pain again. After taking medicine, it did not relieve. Her waist was like being soaked in ice water. The pain spread to her shoulders and back. The lady is very distressed. By chance, Ms. Zou saw “Uncle De’s Ancient Medicine”, so she came to the outpatient clinic to seek help from Uncle De.

Uncle De’s Mystery: Unsmooth Qi and Blood, Deficiency of Spleen and Kidney Yang, Dystrophy of Muscles and Bones

Ms. Uncle De believed that she suffered from recurrent low back pain due to the deficiency of spleen and kidney yang qi and the loss of warmth and nourishment of muscles and bones. “Su Wen·Xuanming Five Qi” said that “sitting for a long time hurts the flesh”, sitting for a long time, the body’s qi and blood run slowly, the qi and blood stagnates, the function of the spleen and stomach to transform qi and blood is weakened, and the muscles are not nourished. “General pain” “dishonored pain”, there will be pain in the muscles and bones. The spleen and stomach are acquired, and the kidneys are innate. If the function of the spleen and stomach is damaged for a long time, the kidneys will also be implicated, causing both spleen and kidney yang to be deficient, the qi and blood are blocked, and the “dishonourableness” is aggravated, and various symptoms are also aggravated. Also, there are discomforts such as fear of cold and rotten stools. During treatment, Uncle De focuses on strengthening the spleen and kidney, warming yang and dredging collaterals, supplemented by the products of promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. After taking traditional Chinese medicine for nearly a month, Ms. Zou’s symptoms improved significantly, and now she continues to receive treatment at De Shu’s outpatient clinic.

Preventive health care: acupoint massage + fumigation therapy

Uncle De suggested that Ms. Zou should avoid prolonged sitting. When working, get up and walk around for about 10 minutes every hour, and get more sun in the afternoon. Usually can do Tai Chi, Baduanjin, yoga, jogging and other activities, 4-5 times a week. Recently, the spring dampness has been heavy. At this time, acupoint application of traditional Chinese medicine can be used to warm the meridians and clear the spring dampness. You can choose 5 grams each of moxa velvet, cinnamon stick, chuanxiong, turmeric, and appropriate amount of rice wine. Powder the above medicinal materials, add an appropriate amount of wine, and tune into a paste. Heat a small amount of medicinal paste and put it on gauze, apply it to Shenshu and Yaoyangguan points, and replace it after cooling, apply it for 10 to 15 minutes each time, 2 to 3 times a week.

Uncle De’s Health Medicinal Kitchen: Eucommia and Morindatum Pork Loin Soup

Materials: 300 grams of pork loin, 200 grams of lean pork, 15 grams of Eucommia ulmoides, 15 grams of Morinda officinalis, candied dates 1-2 pieces, 15 grams of wolfberry, appropriate amount of refined salt.

Efficacy: Nourishes the spleen and kidney, strengthens the muscles and bones.

Cooking method: Wash all the things, cut the pork loin and pork lean meat into pieces respectively, put them in boiling water and blanch them for later use; put the above ingredients together in a pot, add 1750 ml of water, and put them on high heat. After boiling, change to simmer for 1.5 hours, and add an appropriate amount of refined salt to taste. This is for 2-3 people.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News