Which workout is better to lose weight, running or jumping rope?

Rope skipping and running are both good weight loss programs. In terms of energy consumption, the energy consumption of skipping rope is greater than that of running. Heat energy, this kind of consumption refers to the unit time, it is best if the two projects can be alternated.

At the same time of exercising, pay attention to the daily intake of calories to control. If you do not control the intake of calories, the weight loss effect will not be obvious. Calculate the standard body weight according to each person’s height, and control the total amount of calories consumed every day, including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fruits. Choose skipping rope and running for about 30 minutes a day to achieve a moderate-intensity exercise effect, which is very beneficial for weight loss.

Of course losing weight requires persistence, not three days of fishing and two days of sun exposure The net, persevering and persevering will gradually increase the muscle tissue and gradually reduce the adipose tissue, and achieve the effect of weight loss.

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