Which types of people can’t eat more salt, some people will swell after eating, and some will tremble after eating

Salt is a necessity in everyone’s diet. Insufficient intake of salt may lead to fatigue and even arrhythmia. However, eating too much every day can also induce diseases or cause some diseases to aggravate. The following four points.

1. People with chronic bronchitis and chronic cough and asthma should not eat more salt. On the one hand, too much salt will stimulate the throat and aggravate cough symptoms. On the other hand, eating too much salt will induce tracheal secretions. increase, resulting in excessive phlegm.

2. COPD with heart failure, or heart disease caused by heart failure, these patients have poor heart, decreased blood circulation flow rate, low blood flow in kidneys, urine and salt It cannot be filtered out to form urine, and it is easy to swell. Eating too much salt will aggravate the edema.

3. Hypertensive patients should eat less salt as much as possible. Too much salt will cause water retention in the body, increase blood volume, and increase blood pressure, resulting in a decrease in the effect of antihypertensive drugs, and even failure to control it. High blood pressure can cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

4, hyperthyroidism should not eat too much iodized salt, sometimes it will increase the secretion of thyroxine, causing the symptoms of hyperthyroidism to worsen, and even the symptoms of shaking hands.

Of course, controlling salt intake does not mean that everyone does not eat at all. Supplementing salt in an appropriate amount is beneficial to enhance physical strength and improve immunity, but excessive amounts can sometimes cause adverse effects.