Which is more important, a calorie deficit or a balanced diet? To lose fat, don’t take the underlying logic as an implementation criterion

We all know such a common sense that a car needs gasoline to run, but is it okay to have no oil without gasoline? Yes, if there is no lubricating oil, you can continue to drive, but the car will not run for long before problems. Therefore, if you want your car to run fast and well, both gasoline and lubricating oil are indispensable. When we lose fat, which is more important, a calorie deficit or a balanced diet? A calorie deficit is like gasoline, and a balanced diet is like lubricating oil. If you rely solely on the calorie deficit, you can lose weight, but over time, your body will likely have problems or rebound. A car that has lubricating oil but lacks gasoline can’t run, so if you want to lose fat successfully, a balanced diet is also inseparable from a calorie deficit.

But in reality, why do many friends lose fat again and again? One of the most fundamental reasons is that the calorie deficit, which is the underlying logic, is regarded as the implementation criterion for daily fat reduction, but the real daily implementation standard – balanced diet is ignored. We often say that losing fat is actually a simple and complex number game, the simple one is the calorie deficit, as long as the daily intake of the human body is less than the consumption, the weight will temporarily drop; Losing fat is complicated because you have to take into account that your body composition is better, and you have to think that you will not repeat it after losing fat, and it is best to change the entire human body after losing fat. Therefore, the process is far from less than calorie intake. Consumption can solve. Let’s take a look at the problems of calorie deficit and the contradictions that a balanced diet can solve.

The calorie gap

Although the calorie gap is the core logic of fat loss, there will be many problems if the understanding is not thorough and the implementation is improper.

Large heat gap

Too many people who lose fat in reality see only The calorie deficit is at the same time eager to reduce fat, so there will be dieting, eating less and exercising more and other ways to reduce fat based on the pursuit of speed. Thinking that simply eating fewer calories will lead to weight loss. Yes, a large calorie deficit can make you lose weight quickly, but the body is a system, not a machine. If the calorie deficit is too large for a long time, the hormone levels of the body must be disturbed, and revenge will rebound to become the norm. This is not sustainable. Operation, the great probability of weight comes from and will go back.

Ingredient selection

At the same time, the calorie deficit doesn’t dictate what you eat and how you eat. You can also create a calorie deficit by snacking on desserts, fast-food fat, or a nutrient deficiency, but the effect on body composition is very different from the calorie deficit created by your healthy food choices. Unscientific ways to lose fat will ultimately lead to fat loss and muscle loss, which will affect your basal metabolism and physical health.

Healthy body needs comprehensive and balanced nutrition, especially when losing fat, but if you only focus on the calorie deficit without a reasonable and balanced nutritional intake, even if you lose it Now, where’s the health? Is it what you want to have thin bones, yellow face and thin muscles, decreased resistance and sickness for three days and two heads? Not really!

Balanced diet

The existence of a calorie deficit makes it possible to lose weight, but does not pay attention to changes in body composition, while a balanced diet is the opposite and does not consider the overall calorie gain or loss , but improve body composition through rational diet and diet sustainability.

Diet Structure

The diet structure is comprehensive and reasonable, all kinds of nutrients are supplemented in place, and the body operation will be normal and efficient. At this point, it only makes sense to talk about building muscle and losing fat. Muscle gain, calorie surplus, various nutrients are adjusted to the ratio of muscle gain; fat loss, calorie deficit, the diet structure is switched to the mode of fat brushing.


The sustainability of eating is to keep you The hormone levels in the body have a stable state, which not only ensures your survival, but also continuously improves your body composition to achieve your desired goals. If there is no sustainability in the diet, whether it is muscle gain or fat loss, there is a high probability of failure. Even if the goal is occasionally achieved, it will be short-lived.

However, a balanced diet is not without its shortcomings. Even if it is a good and sustainable diet, if there is no overall calorie control, one will eat too much.This will cause damage to the body and the goal cannot be achieved. Therefore, fat loss must be based on a balanced diet based on calorie deficit, with calorie control and nutritional balance, so that weight can be steadily decreased while maintaining a reasonable body composition. This is the meaning of fat loss, and it is also the standard for daily fat loss.

Operation suggestions during fat loss

Having said so much, let’s take a look at the specific operation suggestions during fat loss.

4.1 Heat Gap

It is suggested that anyone should not be too impatient to lose fat, fat does not increase in one day The ones that come up will naturally not be reduced very quickly, so give yourself some time. The calorie deficit of 300~500 kcal per day is recommended, and the scientific fat loss rate is about 0.5~1.0kg per week. The faster the fat loss rate, the smaller the proportion of fat in body composition will be subtracted . Fat loss is not only about reducing excess fat, but also trying to maintain lean body mass in the body to avoid muscle loss.

4.2 Balanced meals

After calculating the number of daily calorie needs, then proceed to the diet structure distribution and selection of ingredients. The daily ratio of the three major nutrients is divided into carbohydrates: protein: fat is about 5:3:2. Or the proportion of carbohydrate intake in the diet structure accounts for about 45-55% of the total calories in the whole day, protein is about 15-25%, and fat is about 15-25%. Vegetables and fruits are the most important sources of vitamins and minerals and should be supplemented in place. Low-starch mixed vegetables should be at least 500g per day, and low-sugar and high-fiber fruits should be around 350g per day. Others and dairy supplements are also necessary during fat loss.

Recommended ingredients

Carbohydrates: Mainly whole grains and whole grains, such as brown rice, sweet potatoes, corn and oats.

Protein: eggs, milk, deep sea fish, beef, chicken breast and whey protein powder.

Fats: mainly unsaturated fatty acids. Such as salmon, nuts, olive oil, etc.

Vegetables: such as broccoli, kale, asparagus, spinach, okra, etc.

Fruits: mainly berries, apricots, peaches, grapefruit, etc.

4.3 Other factors

When losing fat, calorie deficit and dietary balance are only It is part of the entire fat loss process, and sleep, mood and exercise are also particularly important. In the final analysis, it is actually the embodiment of a healthy lifestyle. If the lifestyle is good, the body and health will not be too bad. If you blindly pursue thinness and do not change your lifestyle, then there is a high probability that it will be a toss up, and you will end up where you will come from or go back.


The calorie deficit is the core of fat loss, but if you want to lose weight healthily, you need a balanced diet is essential. If you don’t have a calorie deficit, no matter how good your diet is, you won’t be able to achieve your goals. You are asking me which is more important? are very important, don’t you think? The more we know about sports science, the more conducive to the realization of the ultimate goal. Fitness and fat loss are not compared to recklessness, but clear thinking and correct direction. Come on, everyone. Let’s encourage each other.