Which hospital in Beijing is more accurate for detecting premature ovarian failure?

Under normal circumstances, the ovaries will gradually age after a woman is 40 years old. At this time, women will enter menopause, and the most typical symptom is menopause. But for some women, the ovaries are out of line before they are old, and the ovarian function declines. We call this situation premature ovarian failure. There are many causes of premature ovarian failure, but many people only discover it when they are having children. So, which hospital in Beijing is more accurate for detecting premature ovarian failure?


>What are the causes of premature ovarian failure?1. Environmental factorsSome women are exposed to toxic, harmful and Working in an environment with radiation is very detrimental to women’s health. It will damage the ovaries, and long-term radiation will also cause damage to the ovaries, causing premature ovarian failure, and even ovarian cancer in severe cases. Therefore, female friends should stay away from this kind of environment to avoid the occurrence of premature ovarian failure. 2. Psychological factorsIf women are in a state of mental fluctuations for a long time and receive frequent mental stimulation, they will affect the central nervous system of the body, causing Endocrine disorders and other problems lead to premature ovarian failure. Therefore, female friends should adjust their emotions in time and learn to release pressure. 3. Indiscriminate use of drugsWith the deepening of people’s understanding of sex, various cohabitation phenomena frequently occur, which also leads to indiscriminate use of contraceptives and ovulation. phenomenon of drugs. These drugs are harmful to women’s bodies and ovaries, which can lead to premature ovarian failure. In addition, some women’s life and eating habits are unhealthy, resulting in a decline in the body’s immune system, and it is also easy to cause premature ovarian failure.

4. Reproductive system infection If these diseases are not controlled, the infection can affect the ovaries, causing premature ovarian failure. In addition, surgical treatment of some gynecological diseases may also cause premature ovarian failure. 5. Genetic factorsRelevant studies have shown that genetic factors play a major role in premature ovarian failure, and X chromosome abnormality is the main cause of premature ovarian failure .


Which hospital in Beijing is more accurate for detecting premature ovarian failure? In June 2015, Beijing Huabo Hospital became the hospital that introduced and equipped the automatic AMH detection system in North China. Infertility patients are provided with comprehensive reproductive health management, and the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological endocrine diseases and infertility has created a qualitative breakthrough. Treatment Milestones for Female Infertility. Automatic AMH detection for the crowd: Unexplained infertility, ovulatory drug ineffective, repeated l*c*, surgery Women with late childbearing needs, and those with a history of cancer radiotherapy and chemotherapy. ENDIf you have any questions about pregnancy, please click “Read the original text” or “ directly below. >Scan the QR code below“, the experts will answer your questions.