Whether the qi and blood is sufficient can be seen from three places. If the qi and blood is insufficient, what should I eat to make up for it?

Insufficiency of qi and blood is a term used to describe the physical state of a person in traditional Chinese medicine. It is said that whether a person is deficient in qi and blood does not need to be looked at by doctors. It can be judged from several parts and states of the body. So magical?

Xiao Zhou is a sophomore student and an “Internet addict girl”. Playing games and staying up late have also become commonplace. Recently, she and her friends made an appointment to start playing games at 10 o’clock every night, and then go to bed at 1 o’clock at night. Staying up late every night, and having no energy during class during the day, this kind of life persisted for two weeks. Friends said that her dark circles were about to “fall” on her face, and her eyes were dull, pale, and she looked like she was being tortured. Like “inhaling essence”, she was not angry at all, and her friends urged her to go to the hospital to check her body, and nothing happened.

Xiaozhou’s parents suggested that she go to see a Chinese medicine doctor. After she saw the doctor, she explained her symptoms. The doctor looked at her again and said that she must have stayed up late and had irregular work and rest. If the qi and blood are insufficient, the eyes will appear dull and the complexion pale, but it is not very serious. The doctor instructed her not to stay up late like this in the future, try to fall asleep before 23 o’clock every day, go back to pay attention to rest, and eat red dates and black sesame pills appropriately, 5 red dates a day, and 2 black sesame pills a day. many.

Are you feeling a little flustered now that you are staying up late? You are also staying up all night often, and you may also have a lack of qi and blood, but you have not seen dull eyes, pale complexion, and other Can you judge by the way of qi and blood?

How to judge the lack of qi and blood, teach you three methods

Method 1: look at the gums

We all know that every part of the human body needs the nourishment of blood, and the same goes for the gums. If there is not enough Qi and blood, the blood circulation in the body is not smooth, which will cause the gums to become lighter, and the teeth will begin to shrink and loosen. Therefore, you can check whether your teeth have any of the above conditions, and if so, you should adjust them as soon as possible, so as not to endanger your health due to long-term lack of qi and blood.

Method 2: Look at the skin

Women are more concerned about their skin condition, and they also pay attention to their skin condition every day. Use a lot of skin care products, masks, etc. After all, in this age of appearance, women’s skin is also very important. If a person has perfect facial features but poor skin, it will have a great impact on the image of the whole person. Under normal circumstances, our skin should be rosy and shiny. If you find that your skin is rough, dull, dry, wrinkled, pigmented, it may be related to lack of qi and blood , this is also your body prompting you to pay attention to replenishing qi and blood, and to pay attention.

Method 3: Look at the hand

The temperature of the hand is a direct manifestation of the body’s qi and blood. Under normal circumstances, our hands should be warm and thick While powerful and elastic, the small crescents on the fingers are also complete, which is full of qi and blood and a strong physique. If you notice your hands are always hot, sweaty, or cold, your fingers are flat, weak, or have thin tips, and your palms are soft and thin, this may be a sign of I have insufficient qi and blood, poor spirit, fatigue, and need to rest and replenish qi and blood.

Knowing the method to judge the lack of qi and blood, you can test yourself to see if your qi and blood is deficient. So as not to cause physical diseases or accelerate the pace of aging due to insufficient qi and blood. Usually pay attention to develop good living habits, do not stay up late, do not overwork, eat regularly, adhere to appropriate exercise, and enhance the body’s resistance.

Qi and blood are insufficient, and the whole person is not in a good state. Are there any foods that can be adjusted?

< p>Longan

Longan meat is rich in glucose and protein, which can meet the nutrients needed by the human body, help sleep, strengthen cardiovascular circulation, and improve anemia. Suitable for women with insufficient blood. It is recommended to eat no more than 200g of longan meat per day, and if you are diabetic, you should eat as little as possible.

Pork liver

We all know that pig liver contains iron, which is the raw material for hematopoiesis, and pig liver is rich in nutrients, which is very suitable for People who are deficient in blood. It is recommended that women who want to replenish qi and blood can eat 2~3 times a week, 10~30 grams each time. However, it should be reminded that if you are a woman over 50 years old, it is best to eat less, so as not to damage your health.

Sweet potatoes

The nutrients in sweet potatoes can protect our skin, slow down senescence. In addition, it has the functions of detoxifying and nourishing blood, which is very suitable for people with insufficient qi and blood. It is recommended to consume 500 grams of sweet potatoes per day.

In summary, it is very important for us to circulate Qi and blood throughout the body. Therefore, when you find yourself with insufficient qi and blood, you must adjust it in time to avoid affecting your health. Usually, you should also develop good living habits, don’t stay up late, eat more fruits and vegetables, insist on exercising, and improve your physical fitness.


1. “Lack of qi and blood, see 6 places and 4 tricks to help you replenish qi and blood” · Popular Science China · 20201.7.26

2. “The appearance of these symptoms means that you have insufficient qi and blood, so don’t ignore it!” · Life Times · 2020.3.28