Whether the liver is good or not, you can tell by looking at your hands! If you want a good liver, you should always press 1 point and drink 2 more teas.

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The liver is the only organ in the human body without pain nerves. Once the disease is discovered, it is often in an advanced stage. So, is there any way to detect liver disease early?

Actually, if we want to know if our liver is healthy, we only need to look at our hands.

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If your liver is good, you can tell by hand p>

Generally speaking, if the following 6 signs appear on our hands, it means that the liver function may be abnormal.

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1. Yellowing of skin and nails

When liver cells are damaged, uptake, binding and The ability to secrete bilirubin will be reduced, the concentration of bilirubin in the blood will be relatively increased, and people’s skin, nails, tongue coating, and even eyes may appear yellow. p>

So, if you observe yellow skin on your hands or nails, it means thatthe liver may be inflamed,Need to go to the hospital for examination and treatment in time.


< span>When the human body ingests too much carotene and cannot metabolize it in time, yellowing of the skin may also occur. However, this condition usually recovers automatically after the diet is improved, and it will not last for a long time.

2. “Liver Palm” appears

< span>The blood color of the palm becomes uneven, and there is flaky bleeding at the thenar area at the base of the thumb and little finger, which is the so-called “liver palm”. The “liver palm” looks red, but when pressed with hands, It will turn pale and turn red again when released.

Usually the epidermis of the liver is ruptured, liver function declines, or afflicted span>chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosisembolism, this manifestation occurs.

3. Nails are fragile and easy to break

The health of the nails is actually closely related to the health of the liver. When the liver qi is sufficient and the liver blood is smooth, the nails will also It will be fully nourished, showing a reddish white, shiny appearance, smooth and firm.

But if there are bumps on the nails If the ridge line becomes fragile and easy to break, it may be caused by insufficient liver blood.


When you are overworked and sleep deprived, a lot of vertical lines will appear on your nails, but they usually get better with enough rest.

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4. Prominent blue veins

As the saying goes, “the liver controls the tendons”, when the liver is blocked by liver qi , When the circulation of qi and blood is not smooth, blue veins will appear on the hands. If you are prone to anger at ordinary times, and women are accompanied by symptoms of irregular menstruation, most of them are caused by excessive anger. p>

5. The root of the middle finger becomes thinner

If the liver is not good, the finger The middle finger and other fingers will have obvious difference in thickness. Generally, the root of the finger becomes thinner, and the gap between the middle finger and the fingers on both sides increases significantly.

6. Spider nevus

Spider nevus refers to a slightly raised center point, surrounded by small radial blood vessel branches, The nevus is shaped like a spider, and the red fades away after pressing. Its formation reason is the same as that of the liver palm, which is caused by the decreased function of the liver to inactivate estrogen.

3 ways to keep your liver healthy

As the main metabolic organ, the liver plays an important role in human health. important impact. In daily life, in addition to paying attention to these “sick signals” left by the liver on our hands, it is more important to protect the liver and prevent liver damage.

As the saying goes, “A person with a good liver does not grow old”, so what methods can help us to keep our liver healthy?

1. Press 1 point often

Taichong acupoint is the original acupoint for nourishing the liver, which is equivalent to a warehouse for storing the vitality of the liver meridian. Stimulating Taichong acupoint can well mobilize the vitality of the liver meridian and restore liver function to normal.


Located in the depression between the big toe and the second toe on the back of the foot .

【Massage Method】

Press and knead with your thumb for 3 minutes, repeat 2 to 3 times, to produce a feeling of soreness is appropriate.

Drink two cups of tea often

1. Liver and Qi tea p>


1.5~3 grams each of jasmine and bergamot, soak in water instead of tea.


Smooth liver, regulate Qi, and stomach.


People with qi deficiency and loose stools should not drink.

2, Soft Liver and Yin Tea


Lycium barbarum, mulberry 3 to 6 grams, appropriate amount of honey.


Nourishes liver blood and liver yin.


Elderly diabetic patients and those with loose stools should not drink.

Because of different personal constitutions, the specific grams in the formula need to vary from person to person, so it is recommended that you use these two under the guidance of your doctor Substitute for tea.

Third, eat 3 kinds of vegetables

1. Chrysanthemum wormwood

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is sweet, pungent, flat, and has the effect of promoting liver qi, digestion and appetizer, and clearing the bowels. Chrysanthemum contains more carotene, calcium, and active ingredients of flavonoids and phenolic acids, which help to nourish the liver and protect the liver, as well as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

2, white radish

white radish can relieve Cough, phlegm and other symptoms caused by excessive liver fire, withSoothes the liver and regulates qi and replenishes liver blood.

White radish, whether eaten raw or cooked, has a very good tonic effect on the liver. It is recommended to stew it with meat or ribs into radish soup. , nutrient absorption is better.

3, chives

Leeks contain special ingredients such as volatile essential oils and sulfides, which can emit a unique fragrance, help to relieve liver qi and increase appetite , enhance digestive function.

In addition to these 3 kinds of vegetables, it is also recommended that ordinary people eat 100 grams of animal liver every week and eat one serving of animal liver every day. A handful of nuts,to help repair and regenerate liver cells.

If the above abnormal performance occurs on the hand, it may be a distress signal sent by the liver. Don’t ignore it!