When you like to be alone, you know what it means?

Ming·Li Zhi’s “He Xinyin”: “The public is alone, and the self has no former.”

When a person likes To be alone, not to be withdrawn and indifferent, not to strive for progress, but to know how to enjoy loneliness, to be brighter in heart, and to live a more and more pure life.

Every heart has been washed and tempered countless times, and it has become stronger step by step, ambitious, candid, and loner, who are often better able to stick to themselves In the heart, refuse meaningless things, understand the world, live a bright and upright life, live neither humble nor arrogant, and be more flexible.

Real loners have the following characteristics

One: They are good at thinking, face up to their own strengths and weaknesses, and do not influenced by the outside world.

Lonely and noble thoughts are never alone. –Philip Sidney

Wisdom does not feel alone, because it can unite with even the most alien. ——Russell

Edison spent ten years to develop batteries, during which he continued to suffer failures, and he persisted. After about 50,000 trials, he finally succeeded , invented the battery, and was awarded the “king of invention” by people.

Two: It is better not to socialize if you don’t have to. Have a unique way of life, do not follow the trend, do not gossip. Get rid of the shackles of the world, more time to create value.

Loneliness is not in the mountains but in the street, not in one person but among many. ——Sanmuqing

In ancient times, there was Tao Yuanming, a famous writer in ancient times. Not only is he very famous for his poetry and prose, but he also despises fame and wealth, refuses to follow the trend, and does not give in for five buckets of rice.

Modern rich Zhongshu, indifferent to fame and fortune all his life, willing to be lonely, he declined all news media interviews.

Three: Self-discipline All the time can be allocated reasonably by oneself.

One ​​can learn in society, but inspiration only emerges when one is alone. ——(German) Goethe

Huang Xuhua developed a nuclear submarine “willing to be an incognito celebrity”, and had no regrets during the 30-year “long march under water”.

Due to the strict confidentiality system, for a long time, Huang Xuhua could not disclose to his relatives and friends what he actually did. I have never returned to my hometown, Haifeng, to visit my parents. It was not until 2013 that his deeds were gradually “exposed” and relatives and friends learned the whole story.

During the South China Sea Deep Diving Test in 1988, Huang Xuhua visited his mother along the way. The 95-year-old mother and son looked at each other but were speechless, and met again after 30 years. 62-year-old Huang Xuhua , has also dyed white hair on the temples. In the face of relatives and career, Huang Xuhua has been incognito for 30 years, unknown and anonymous.

Zhuangzi said: “A person who comes and goes alone is called unique; a person who is unique is called the most precious.

alone It seems simple and not positive, but the loner is thinking, it is to reduce unnecessary social interaction, face up to their own strengths and weaknesses, loners, because they have time to think, they have unique characteristics. Insights and research are also among the best in the crowd.