When you know Qingming, you understand life!​

If you know Qingming, you will know life!
Standing at the graves of ancestors and relatives, I understand:
I know where I came from,

where will go!
Who am I, where do I come from, where do I go?
Where did it come from? Stand still,

you will find the answer.
You are from your parents, your parents are from your grandparents,

For generations, there will always be roots and sources. .
Open branches and loose leaves, branches grow again, leaves grow again,

The roots that stick to the earth, only one place.
This is the nostalgia in the blood,

is where we come from.

With parents, there is still a place in life;

< p data-track="9">Parents go, life is only the way back.
The living seek their roots, and the leaves return to their roots.
Where there are people, there must be blood inheritance.
No wonder some people say,

Qingming Festival is Chinese Thanksgiving!

Teach me about Qingming Festival be human.
Cleanliness, incorruptibility, and purity are nothing but innocence;
Ming things, etiquette, and law are nothing but understanding!
A person who is innocent and clear will have a refreshing breeze blowing his face to cleanse his heart,

like a bright moon of truth and beauty.

Rolling dust, fame Li Lu,

If you are too persistent and can’t take it down, < /p>

For power, for money, for fame, for feeling sad,

Would you like to visit the grave during Qingming.
There, there is another answer,
Let your heart be like still water, detached from the outside world!
Being clean and doing things cleanly,

is enough!

How can everything go well, but be worthy of your conscience!

where to go?
No matter who, how great,

the world will forget your existence, span>

“After the wind and rain, the pear blossoms have eaten in the cold, how many descendants will come from the graves?”
Thinking about this,

A lot of things can be taken lightly, suddenly, leisurely, happily and calmly.

Who am I?
When you understand “where do I come from, where do I go”,

“Who am I “It seems to be enlightened!

Once you know Qingming, you will understand life!
The flowers bloom and fall, and the clouds curl up.

You are the son of man (female),

You are a father (mother),

You are a husband (wife), span>

You are of Chinese blood, and you are a human child.
No wonder some people say that ancestor worship at Qingming Festival,

shows a kind of blood inheritance and responsibility .
Coming to this world, you live in peace,

have your own role,< /span>

assume corresponding responsibilities.
Qingming is responsibility and gratitude,

is mourning and peace of mind,< /span>

It is a thousand years of thinking, a thousand years of travel,

is inheritance and education.

Qingming is more like a spirit.

If you know Qingming, you will know life!