When there is “heartburn” in the stomach, it means that there is something wrong with your stomach. Don’t eat these 7 kinds of food

All aspects of society are constantly improving, but the incidence of many diseases has not been reduced, and there is still an upward trend, such as stomach problems.

Nowadays, there are more and more people with bad stomach. For example, some people often suffer from heartburn, not only the stomach will be particularly uncomfortable, but also With the feeling of vomiting, this condition is mostly caused by excessive secretion of gastric acid, which is refluxed into the esophagus. Heartburn patients should not only use antacids rationally under the guidance of a doctor, but also pay attention to their diet, because improper diet can also lead to repeated heartburn attacks.

Which foods can cause recurrent heartburn?

1. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are easy to cause recurrent heartburn, because these foods It contains a large amount of citric acid. After entering the stomach, it will cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, causing the stomach to produce more gastric acid, which in turn will cause the symptoms of food reflux and heartburn to recur, and even lead to gastric ulcers in severe cases.

2, carbonated drinks

carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar and carbon monoxide and other substances After entering the human body, it will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. At the same time, it will also produce a large amount of acidic substances, which increases the risk of heartburn. If you often drink carbonated beverages, it may cause indigestion due to the overwhelmed stomach. Appear.

3, tomato

Tomato is a very nutritious food, rich in lycopene and vitamins, but this food is not suitable for patients with heartburn, because tomato is a very acidic substance , it will cause irritation to the gastric mucosa, causing the stomach to produce more gastric acid.

4. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are also a particularly nutrient-rich food, including Starch, sugar and dietary fiber, among which sugar and starch will stimulate the gastric mucosa, causing a large amount of gastric acid secretion, leading to the occurrence of heartburn, especially if you eat on an empty stomach or eat too much at one time, heartburn will recur repeatedly, so don’t eat it once If you eat too many sweet potatoes, it is best to eat sweet potatoes with pickles, which can inhibit the secretion of gastric acid.

5. Avocado

Avocado is a kind of fruit with high nutritional value, which is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, but avocado is not suitable for people who often suffer from heartburn, because avocado is rich in a lot of fat, which will make the stomach The rate of emptying is reduced, increasing the chance of heartburn.

6. Chili

Chili is a pungent food, rich in A large amount of capsaicin, this substance will lead to an increase in the secretion of gastric acid, which will not only cause repeated episodes of heartburn, but also may cause ulcers in the gastric mucosa. Therefore, people with a bad stomach should try not to eat peppers.

7, tea or coffee< /p>

Tea and coffee are rich in caffeine and theophylline. These substances can relax the sphincter at the lower end of the esophagus and promote reflux after eating, which can eventually lead to heartburn. Therefore, people with a bad stomach or people with frequent heartburn symptoms should drink less tea and coffee.

Message from a Family Doctor

If you want to reduce the risk of heartburn, you should not only pay special attention to your diet, but also develop good eating habits , First of all, you can’t eat too full or too fast, try to develop the habit of chewing slowly, and avoid exercising immediately after a meal, because exercise at this time will increase the pressure on the abdomen, thereby aggravating reflux Case.

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