When the spring is cold, it is most difficult to take a break. Pay attention to these three aspects in life to easily resist the spring cold

Song Dynasty monk Shi Puji said: “The spring cold is harsh, and the freezing kills young people“, saying that the spring cold is harmful to the human body. Don’t see spring. Although the temperature has risen compared with the cold winter, the temperature perceived by the body surface is even colder due to the abundant and strong spring breeze. This is the origin of the agricultural proverb Frozen bones in spring and frozen meat in autumn. Although it is early spring, the cold is biting.

In addition, the rise in temperature in spring will also gradually bring you into the state of taking off your winter jacket and putting on spring clothes, but don’t be fooled by the gentle surface of its gradually rising temperature , a cold early spring rain will send you back to winter. At this time, if you do not take precautions to keep warm, it is easy to catch a cold and have a fever.

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So, what should we do to deal with the “cold spring”

Wind protection should be done well, short-term temperature rise is not a signal of warmer weather

The words of the ancients: “Spring Cover the autumn frost and avoid miscellaneous diseases”. In the early spring, you must resist the urge to take off your thick winter clothes and give yourself a flexible body. Although some people don’t like to wear very thick clothes to wrap themselves into penguins, but the cold is too cold, and they endure a cold winter for the sake of their bodies. Therefore, in the spring, I eagerly want the weather to warm up and put on a light coat.

However, nature is a master at disguise. The sun was shining bright and the spring breeze a few days ago, suddenly it may be rainy and stormy. And then the temperature plummeted, and the earth went into “quick freezing” mode. This caused some “crab eaters” to catch a cold and have a fever.

Therefore, don’t change clothes immediately when spring is warm and cold, and if you feel stuffy, unzip and unbutton properly That’s it. Because the human body is very sensitive to the reduction of clothing, taking off a piece of clothing will make the body feel very light and more sensitive to the cold outside.

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High incidence of infectious diseases, strengthen physical fitness and improve hygiene< /strong>

In early spring, when the seasons change the temperature is lower and suitable for viruses to survive. The fluctuating temperature also makes some people fail to keep up with their clothes in time. They are often attacked by cold weather in the morning and evening when the weather is cold, and viruses take the opportunity to invade, resulting in related diseases of the human body.

Because the virus can be transmitted through the respiratory system, it is necessary to practice personal hygiene in life, reduce the frequency of contact with people who have obvious symptoms of cold and fever, and maintain social distance . This is more important, because when the seasons change, children often get the flu, and the family does not take corresponding preventive measures when taking care of them, which leads to the collective illness of the family. In fact, this can be prevented and avoided to a certain extent.

In addition, for the prevention of colds and fever, in addition to keeping warm, it is also necessary to enhance personal fitness and improve immunity. And low-intensity aerobic exercise such as jogging, cycling, yoga, etc. can increase cell activity and improve immunity. Even if the virus enters the body, it is killed by active immune cells, thereby avoiding symptoms.

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Pay attention to food supplements

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that in spring, one should nourish the yang qi, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach, and eat less cold food. Eat more black sesame, leeks, yam, etc.. In addition, as the virus breeds in winter and spring, garlic, onion, ginger, etc. have the effect of sterilization and detoxification, and can also dispel dampness and raise fire, supplementing the yang qi in the body.

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In short, although the beginning of spring has passed, but the one in people’s cognition The true spring of spring has yet to come. In the process of steadily warming up, don’t suddenly take off the clothes that have accompanied the whole winter, but gradually. In addition, the weather is still very cold in the morning and evening. Although it is not possible to wear a leather jacket in the morning and wear yarn in the afternoon, at least pay attention to the large temperature difference between day and night in early spring, and do not take off clothes at will.

Spring is also a season of high virus incidence. Garlic and ginger have bactericidal effects and can be supplemented in moderation. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce contact with cold patients, do good personal hygiene, and perform sports such as running and cycling to improve personal fitness. Eat some spleen and stomach ingredients such as yam, leeks, etc.


[1]” “Spring is covered with autumn frost, no miscellaneous diseases”, spring health care is just right”. Health World. 2021-03-10

[2] “The cold spring is coming, how should we deal with it? 》. Popular Science China. 2021-11-19