When the pioneer tree image sets an example! The theme party day activities of Linyi Nanfang Primary School strengthen the party spirit

Don’t forget the original intention and keep the mission in mind. On April 14, Linyi Nanfang Primary School held the theme party day activity of “Being a pioneer in the ‘fight’ against the epidemic and building a fortress of prevention and control”. The activity was carried out in a combination of online and offline methods.

In the event, branch secretary Zhang Ruhui led all party members to deeply study the spirit of the national “two sessions” and the report of the 14th party congress of Linyi City etc.; Disciplinary inspection member Zhang Rubin learned the fourth chapter of “The Constitution of the Communist Party of China”, so that all party members can memorize the content of the party constitution by heart, and further strengthen the awareness of the party constitution and party members; organization member Zhang Yunteng learned “On the History of the Communist Party of China”; publicity member Tian Jie He learned from “Excerpts from Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao’s Commentary on the History of the Communist Party of China”; Li Changke, a branch member, learned “A Brief History of the Communist Party of China”.

Zhang Ruhui gave a party class on “Inheriting Yimeng Spirit and Contributing to Yimeng Power”. He asked that party members and teachers should regard loyalty to the party as the most basic party spirit, the most valuable character, and the most reliable cornerstone of career development, and constantly improve their political judgment, political understanding, and political execution. Stay in the direction, educate new people for socialism, spread advanced cultural ideas, and better build Yimeng spirit, Yimeng value, and Yimeng strength.

Afterwards, all the party members watched the 28th class of the lighthouse class, “Broadcasting of Excellent Party Classes in the Province-Learning and Inheriting the Spiritual Genealogy of Chinese Communists”, and each wrote a special study experience.

Promoting the safety education link during the epidemic, Party branch secretary Zhang Ruhui asked all party members to deeply understand the extreme importance and urgency of epidemic prevention and control, give full play to the role of fighting fortress and vanguard and model, and take the initiative to participate in epidemic prevention and control. In the work of epidemic prevention and control, we must show our identity, be a pioneer, set an image, and set an example in the epidemic prevention and control work, ensure that there are party members in key parts and key positions of epidemic prevention and control, and effectively play a pioneering and exemplary role.

Qilu Yidian correspondent Zhang Yunteng