When the flowers bloom again, what should I pay attention to when dealing with allergies?

Xinhua News Agency, Changsha, March 17 (Reporters Shuai Cai, Liu Yu) When spring flowers bloom every year, many people are troubled by allergic diseases. So, how to scientifically deal with skin allergies? Any tips for treating allergies? Let’s hear what the experts have to say.

Li Xiaosha, deputy chief physician of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, introduced that skin allergies are itching, redness and swelling of the skin after the body is stimulated by substances that can cause allergies to our body. Symptoms, dermatitis, eczema, urticaria, drug eruption, etc. are all allergies. “People with allergies are easily affected by cold wind, food, water quality, ultraviolet rays, synthetic fibers, etc., or the skin is unstable due to seasonal changes.” She said.

There are various causes of skin allergies. The common causes are food, drugs, contact with allergenic substances, and some allergy patients themselves suffer from chronic diseases or mental stress. larger. If the skin is allergic, you can review your diet and living conditions to see if the appearance of the rash is related to the things you touch and the food you eat. People with allergies can carry out blood routine, liver and kidney function, immune and other related tests according to the needs of the disease.

Skin allergies, how to deal with them? Li Xiaosha suggested that allergens should be avoided first. “In the treatment of skin allergies, the most important thing is to find the substances that cause allergies. If it is clear what causes the allergies, then you should avoid re-contact with these substances while treating them.” Calamine lotion for external use, etc.

Experts remind that if a severe allergic reaction occurs, seek medical attention in time, and closely monitor whether there are side effects under the guidance of a doctor after taking the medicine.

In addition, people with allergies should keep a light diet, try not to wear makeup, do physical exercise properly, and pay attention to strengthening their physique and improving their own immunity.

Produced by: Xinhua News Agency Hunan Branch Shuaicai Studio

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