When the body repeatedly suffers from constipation for a long time and is accompanied by these three conditions, when heart cancer comes to report

Constipation is a problem that we may often encounter in our lives, which can be caused by various reasons, such as less water intake, insufficient dietary fiber intake, etc. , usually can be significantly relieved and improved by increasing water intake, eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, etc.

However, When the body repeatedly suffers from constipation for a long time, one should be alert to the occurrence of intestinal diseases, especially intestinal malignant tumors. often accompanied by symptoms.

Symptom 1: Unformed stool

The stools of patients with intestinal malignancies are often not formed, which is far from that of healthy people.

Under normal circumstances, healthy people may occasionally have unformed stools, but the frequency of patients with intestinal malignant tumors is higher.The stools may be thin strips or loose stools, and the stools are dirty more obvious.

Symptom 2: blood in stool

In addition to changes in stool characteristics, patients with intestinal malignant tumors often have blood droplets or dark black stools in their stools, and fecal occult blood test results can be positive.

The main reason for blood in the stool of patients with intestinal malignant tumor is tumor rupture or tissue destruction and bleeding, and the color of blood in the stool is related to the location of the tumor in the digestive tract;

Generally When the upper gastrointestinal tumor bleeds, the stool is dark black, while the malignant tumor in the lower gastrointestinal tract, especially near the anus, may have bright blood droplets in the stool.

Symptom 3: Changes in stool rhythm

Generally, the human body’s stool is rhythmic, which is manifested as the urge to defecate at a fixed time period of the day, while the stool rhythm of patients with intestinal malignant tumors may change.

This is because the presence of tumor can stimulate the intestinal wall tissue, causing the patient to have the urge to go to the toilet, but the urge to defecate at this time is not the real urge to defecate, and it is easy to cause changes in the patient’s stool rhythm< /strong>.

In addition to these three common clinical symptoms, patients with intestinal malignant tumors can also At the same time, it is accompanied by symptoms such as weight loss, lethargy, physical fatigue, loss of appetite and abdominal pain;

At this time, abnormal blood tumor markers and colonoscopy may appear strong>, and intestinal malignant tumors are often found to be accompanied by metastasis to other organs, among which the liver metastasis is the most common.

Whether patients with intestinal malignant tumors are accompanied by metastasis to other organs has an important impact on their survival and prognosis.

Therefore, for patients with frequent constipation, when the stool is not formed, bloody and rhythmic, When there are changes in symptoms such as changes, special vigilance should be paid to the occurrence of intestinal malignant tumors;

should go to the hospital for gastroenteroscopy and other auxiliary examinations as soon as possible, so as to achieve “early detection, early diagnosis, “Early treatment”, strangling malignant tumors in the cradle as soon as possible or conducting standardized treatment under the guidance of doctors as soon as possible.

When intestinal malignant tumor has not yet metastasized to distant organs, radical surgery can effectively treat intestinal malignant tumor, and the patient’s survival time is significantly prolonged, and the prognosis is relatively good.

At the same time, in ordinary life, people should pay attention to For intestinal health, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, increase the intake of dietary fiber, reduce the consumption of pickled foods, and optimize the dietary structure.

In addition, people should maintain a regular and healthy life and rest, try to avoid overwork and stay up late, quit smoking and alcohol, and do more outdoor aerobic exercise to keep the body and mind happy, enhance the body’s immunity, and protect the intestines.

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