When sleeping at night, the body has these 4 symptoms, don’t ignore it, in all likelihood, the blood vessels are blocked

For the prevention of flat feet, Xie Jiewei, director of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that children should avoid long-term standing and weight-bearing exercises such as weightlifting; Avoid skeletal development problems caused by uneven nutrition, and also pay attention to weight, too obesity can also lead to the occurrence of flat feet. At the same time, Director Xie Jiewei also reminded parents that children’s outdoor sports can prevent flat feet, but roller skating is not recommended, because roller skating can easily lead to children’s ankle valgus. [Reporter/Editor: Zeng Wenqiong Intern: Tang Jingyang Correspondent: Zhuang Yingge]