When liver disease occurs, these 4 parts of the body will send out signals, pay attention and find out as soon as possible

The liver is a dumb organ with no painful nerves, so no matter what it produces,there are no obvious symptoms, which is why liver cancer is often detected at an advanced stage.

Because the liver has no pain nerves, no matter what it produces, there are no obvious symptoms, which is why its health is often overlooked.

But the liver is also an important part of the human body, and its main role is to detoxify, detoxify and metabolize sugar, fat and protein, as well as most of the body’s metabolism and transformation of toxic substances.

Generally, when liver disease occurs, there may be four parts that speak. Only when you understand it clearly, can you find the disease faster.

First, black face

The liver plays an important role in iron metabolism. Generally, iron is stored in the liver. When the liver cells are damaged, the iron stored in the liver cells will flow out of the blood vessels, and the increase of Iron levels in the blood, causing a darkening of the face, which is most common in women with amenorrhea.

Second, leg edema

Leg edema has a lot to do with abnormal water metabolism, and many people know that edema occurs in human legs when there is a problem with the human kidneys.

In fact, When the liver is damaged, it will also cause the body to detoxify and slow down the metabolism of water, resulting in edema, such as in patients with liver cirrhosis. Ascites phenomenon, resulting in the formation of large areas of edema throughout the body.

Third, there are black lines on the nails

< p>If the liver stores toxins, there is usually a clear signal on the nails, the liver distributes the tendons, and the nails are also part of the tendons, which can reflect the health of the liver.

Therefore, nails are dark brown in color and vary in width and depth, which is a sign of liver disease, resulting in changes in nail color.

Fourth, the urine keeps turning yellow

< p> Under normal conditions, human red blood cells have a lifespan of 120 days, and damaged red blood cells release hemoglobin, which turns into a yellow substance called bilirubin after a series of catabolism.

Because the hepatitis virus damages liver cells and affects the metabolism of bilirubin, increases the entry of bilirubin into the blood and is excreted from the body through the urine, so the urine will darken in color.

And the yellower the color of the urine, the more serious the damage to the liver cells. When the situation improves, the color of the urine will gradually return to normal.

After the onset of liver disease, there will be many changes in the body, but many people do not even know the part of the liver , which is very detrimental to disease detection.

Therefore, it should be noted that most of the liver is located in the upper right abdomen, a small amount is located in the upper left abdomen, and the location of liver disease pain depends on the location of the lesion in the liver.

However, different liver diseases have different manifestations after onset. Clinically, there are liver cirrhosis, acute and chronic viral hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, autoimmune liver disease and polycystic liver disease. Liver disease, generally may be pain throughout the upper abdomen.

Hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic cyst, hepatic hemangioma and focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver, should be judged according to the orientation of the liver lobe, for example, the right hepatic lobe lesion is the upper right Abdominal pain, liver side lobe lesions are pain in the middle of the upper abdomen, left lateral lobe lesions are left upper abdominal pain.

According to the above introduction, if you find that your body has the above symptoms in your life, you must improve Be vigilant, go to the hospital for examination in time, to achieve early detection, early treatment, early suppression, and early recovery, so as to prevent minor illnesses from turning into serious illnesses and serious illnesses into incurable diseases.

At the same time, remind those who already have liver disease that it is impossible to drink alcohol, stay up late and smoke, which will cause serious damage to the liver, especially nighttime drinking can easily lead to alcoholic liver disease and alcoholic liver disease. Liver inflammation, we must pay more attention.