“When I was pregnant with my second child, I had breast cancer”: It turned out that the cancer had already reminded me, but I never noticed it

My name is Yuqing, the mother of a 7-year-old child with a beautiful and well-behaved daughter who has just entered a key elementary school;

I am also a senior executive of a Fortune 500 company, and I travel every day in major business districts in Beijing, such as CBD, Sanlitun or Zhongguancun;

I’m also a trapeze person who travels to and from major cities around the world, negotiating for the group’s huge business and international partnerships…

It can be said that my life is like the female number one in the novel, everything is so perfect!

First, I missed a great opportunity without a physical examination

In May 2014, the company organized a routine medical examination. However, I had a very important client to talk to that day, so I asked him to go to Starbucks near the medical center.

At 10 am, everything went relatively smoothly, and there was a long queue in front of the breast department of the medical examination center.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, when I was about to arrive, I heard that the doctor in the consultation room seemed to be a man, and I hesitated whether to continue waiting. When I was hesitating, the phone rang and the client arrived early. I decided to go to see the client.

A few days later, I received a medical report from the medical center. The word “blank” was written in the breast column. The medical report showed that everything was normal.

About 5 months later, when I was taking a shower one night, I suddenly felt a little itchy on my nipples. I thought it was too dry in Beijing in autumn, so I applied olive oil hard, but after 3 weeks, my nipples started to itch. There was something like a blister growing on it.

Inadvertently mentioned it to my husband, and he laughed and said, “I’m so squeamish even when I’m so old.” I think it’s the same, who can’t afford a small bag, so they don’t take it to heart.

After work, I forgot about it.

Second, the doctor asked me to go to the breast department for a review

In the blink of an eye, 2015 is approaching, the Spring Festival is almost over, and my period has not come for several days.

My husband reminded me whether I “won the bid”! I was shocked. The company was preparing to promote me as vice president a few years ago. At this time, being pregnant would undoubtedly ruin my future.

But the eldest is already 8 years old, and the old man in the family has been urging another one, so I discussed with my family that I should hide my colleagues first, and wait until the year-end bonus and promotion are finished.

During the Spring Festival, I was already the vice president of the company, and my second baby was already a few months old. My family treated me like a baby. will do.

When the fetus is more than 5 months old, a large-scale abnormality examination will be done. In fact, in layman’s terms, it is an ultrasound examination.

I still clearly remember the ultrasound examination number that morning. It was the 24th. There were many people in front of me. I brought my computer to the obstetrics waiting chair to sort out the documents.

The pregnant women who were waiting for the examination all looked at me and said, “You are working too hard, you are still so serious now, you need to move a little before the orthodontic examination, so that the doctor can See what’s going on in the womb!”

I closed the computer and quickly walked around the corridor. When the doctor called my name, I was so excited and wanted to know how my baby was doing.

Beijing’s spring is still very cold. I was wearing a lot of clothes that day. I took off my coat and hung it on the wall of the ultrasound department.

As soon as I lifted my arm, I felt like there was a small lump in my armpit, but it didn’t hurt. I said something casually. Recently, I always feel a little uncomfortable in my armpits. Is it oppressed by pregnancy?

The doctor laughed out loud and said that the pressure of pregnancy is also the uterus, so how can it press the armpit? I am ashamed of my ignorance.

Lying on the ultrasound examination table, the doctor skillfully scanned my stomach with the machine. The upper abdomen, lower abdomen, left abdomen, right abdomen… It was very good, very normal.

I was very happy to hear that. When I was about to get up, an older doctor said, “What’s wrong with your armpit, let me take a look!”

Otherwise, it would be inconvenient to go to other departments if you are a pregnant woman.

I cast a grateful look, and the older doctor is more lovable, I thought.

The doctor changed the head to a smaller one and swept it back and forth in my armpit. The machine stopped on a small pimple, and the doctor pressed hard. Does it hurt? the doctor asked me. It doesn’t hurt, I simply say.

No pain at all? The doctor raised his voice.

Yes, it doesn’t hurt at all, I repeat it again, I don’t think it’s a problem if it doesn’t hurt!

After getting up, I took the report, and the comment column there said “3cm×4.2cm, a mass was seen in the right armpit, the boundary was unclear, it is recommended to go to the breast department for reexamination.”

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Three, breast department review, I have not passed this hurdle

Thinking about it now, I really owe that older doctor to me.

It was almost noon when I arrived at the mammary department. The doctor asked me what was wrong and I showed him the list.

The doctor asked me, “Does your breasts feel uncomfortable?” I said, last year, I felt very dry for a while, and my skin was peeling, a bit like a child’s eczema, I applied olive oil myself, Feeling better now.

The doctor didn’t write a conclusion and asked me to do a breast examination first.

There are still many people in the hospital in the afternoon. Because the stomach is not obvious, people who are in a hurry often bump into me unintentionally. The queue in the breast ultrasound department went smoothly, and it was my turn.

The doctor sweeps the instrument back and forth, only to hear the doctor whisper a few words: eczema-like breast cancer. My brain was buzzing, and I can’t remember what he said after that. Just remember that the doctor recommends a detailed examination before formulating a treatment plan.

I came out of the mammary department and felt that my feet were heavy. I first searched for “eczema-like breast cancer”, and there were countless entries with countless professional terms.

I checked, can breast cancer have children? How long can you live with breast cancer? Can breast cancer be cured? Three questions.

There are countless scenes in my mind, work, family, workplace, children…

I called a taxi and don’t know who should be the first to tell this news.

Four. I cried and said to him, “Husband, I have breast cancer”

I got through to my husband. I couldn’t hold back my tears when he said “hello”. I cried and said to him, “Husband, I have breast cancer”.

There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the phone, “It’s okay, breast cancer can be cured, our colleagues with breast cancer have already passed the 5-year survival period, and they are very good now. Girl, mentality is very important! Don’t be sad, what’s the matter, there is me, I know what you are worried about, you are afraid that the child can’t be saved, it’s okay, let’s go to consult the doctor together. Where are you, I’ll pick you up… “My husband kept saying, and my tears kept flowing.

Forgot how I got home. Collapsing on the bed, the company called, the customer called, I felt like I was in another world and isolated myself.

The child came back and saw the difference in me. “Mom, have you been criticized? Did you make a mistake?” Dabao is a straight girl, so it’s not surprising that she asked me that. Because in her eyes, my life is only work. “No.” I shook my head. “Also, how could such an excellent mother make mistakes?” I heard dissatisfaction from the child’s words. I didn’t talk to her anymore, I needed to sort out my mood.

5. It turns out that breast cancer is painless and can be detected early

Because I felt like an intellectual, I bought a lot of books to learn about breast cancer.

I swear, I’ve never been so serious in my life, including taking the job title and having a baby.

It turns out that breast cancer is a disease that women are concerned about all over the world. It has a high incidence rate, and doctors have not found an effective way to prevent breast cancer. What we can do is Early detection and treatment.

Suddenly remembered the strangeness of my breasts last year, I just blame myself for being too careless and having a weak awareness of health.

I have learned that if there are eczema-like changes such as skin redness, itching, oozing, crusting, scaling, or ulcers on the nipple and areola, the effect of symptomatic treatment is not obvious after a few weeks of treatment. To attract attention.

This eczema-like change can be caused by a specific type of breast cancer that doctors call eczematous breast cancer, also known as Paget’s disease.

So ladies, if you have eczema on your nipples or areolas that doesn’t heal within a few weeks, be sure to seek medical attention.

I am delighted that breast cancer treatments are highly effective. If the tumor is caught early, the 5-year survival rate for women after surgery can be as high as 98%, the highest of any tumor.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Six. “Life and children can be saved!”

The doctor’s words gave me a reassurance: “Surgical operations and anesthesia other than obstetrics during pregnancy are safe and have no obvious impact on fetal development. Try to avoid the use of known drugs for breast cancer during pregnancy. Diagnosis and treatment methods with teratogenicity are sufficient.”

Because my pregnancy was more than 12 weeks and I was in a relatively stable second trimester, the doctor suggested me to undergo surgery and post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy.

Because of the need for radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery, in order to avoid damage to the fetus, I gave up breast-conserving surgery and opted for total mastectomy.

I gave birth to a healthy baby boy by caesarean section when I was more than 8 months pregnant. The only regret is that I did not breastfeed the baby during breastfeeding, but I am very lucky. and children are healthy.

After giving birth, I had standard endocrine therapy and regular review.

As of today, my second baby is almost 2 years old, and the relationship between my eldest daughter and me has improved a lot, and I have no signs of relapse.

I am getting better and better through reading and conditioning.

Here, I would like to share with my sisters that breast cancer is not terrible. You should maintain good communication with your family and doctors, and listen to their most professional advice and treatment methods.

7. Tips for early detection of breast cancer – regular screening and timely medical treatment

My experience has taught me that regular physicals and screenings are necessary. If you find breast lumps, eczema on the nipple and areola that does not heal for a long time, seek medical attention immediately.

Afterword: When I write the above words, my heart is full of gratitude. I am grateful for my second child. His presence reminds me to pay attention to my body. ;

Thanks to my family for giving me meticulous care during my illness; to my doctor for protecting my self-esteem as a woman with his professionalism and dedication…

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Beijing’s winter is cold, but my heart is warm, and I have been with breast cancer for 3 years.

Next, I will share more of my experience of overcoming the disease with my sisters. Accept all that life has given us, and believe that life will give me a better future!

*The content of this article is for the popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment suggestion, nor can it replace the face-to-face consultation of a licensed physician, and is for reference only.

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