When do human organs begin to age? What methods can delay ageing?

After entering the industrial era, with the development of various technologies, the average life expectancy of human beings has increased significantly compared with the past agricultural era. But the extension of lifespan is not entirely joy. People begin to think about how to obtain a longer lifespan, and at the same time worry about aging and disease. Among them, aging is particularly worth mentioning, because the aging of the body is the beginning of disease and a stumbling block on the road to human longevity. Aging refers not only to getting older, but also to the organs and cells of the body. When aging comes, various diseases also begin to appear, such as osteoporosis, cerebral infarction, arteriosclerosis etc.

When do our body organs start to age?

In the human body, you must not imagine that the part of the human body that will age first is the gut. In fact, you must know that the gut is the most direct place in our body to absorb nutrients It is also in this place that toxins and wastes are excreted in the body, and more studies have shown that 90% of the diseases in the human body are related to intestinal diseases.

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Especially the elderly, existing research has proved that Alzheimer’s disease, etc. There is a direct relationship between disease and intestinal flora, so if you want to be healthy, you must first protect the intestines. In daily life, you should eat less irritating food, stay up late, and ensure adequate sleep, so as to effectively maintain the intestinal tract. Tao’s health.

The next thing to age is the chest, which is also thymus. The thymus is an important immune organ in the human body. After adulthood, the function of the thymus begins to decline, and the lymph in the body begins to work autonomously. Help the body to resist foreign viruses and carry out immunity, and when the lymphocytes also begin to age, this means that the immune function also enters the ageing period.

Then there is the brain. The aging of the brain is also very early, probably after the age of 20. Before the age of 20, the brain has always been in a peak state. It can be seen from other aspects that when the age is about 40 years old, the memory of the brain will show a downward trend. Studies have shown that men’s brains are larger than women’s, but brain cells die twice as fast as women’s.

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skin starts around age 25 Aging, the most obvious thing is the collagen on the face, that is to say, when the collagen on the face decreases, it means that the skin begins to age, the elasticity of the skin becomes poor, and crow’s feet and nasolabial folds also begin to appear. Skin aging is slowing down, and we must pay attention to maintenance at ordinary times, and the most important thing is to do a good job of sun protection.

Then bones, usually around the age of 35, when bone density decreases and calcium is lost, which means that bones begin to age.

Finally, there is heart. The health of the heart is the foundation of human health. Once a person is not healthy, there may be danger at any time. The aging of the heart is generally around the age of 45, which is also the age of high incidence of heart disease.

Knowing when the body organs begin to age, we need to protect them even more. Although I can’t stop ageing, we can slow down ageing.

So what are the ways to slow down aging?

Healthy eating habits

As the saying goes, eat a full breakfast, eat a good lunch, and eat a small dinner. So far, there must be a reason for him.

In addition to this established rule, you must not eat too much, because too much food will also affect the digestion of the stomach, increase the burden on the stomach, and also affect the vitality of brain cells, resulting in Intestinal disease and premature brain aging.

Quit smoking and drinking

Smoking is not good for lung health, and drinking is bad for liver health, and these two organs are very important parts of the body. Once injured, the impact on the body cannot be underestimated.

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positive attitude


A good mentality can ensure the secretion of various hormones in the body. The normal secretion of hormones is conducive to the normal movement of various organs, and can also stabilize the endocrine system in the body.


Keeping a good habit of fitness every day can speed up the rapid excretion of toxins in the body, and also has certain benefits for the skin, so if you want to To delay aging, you might as well develop a fitness plan for yourself, which not only strengthens your body, but also delays aging.

The above is the method I gave to delay aging. If you also want to age slowly, you might as well try the above method and choose the one that suits you. It can not only delay aging, but also enjoy your body and mind. , to promote good health.


[1] Li Chenyang. Uncover the mystery of aging and find the key to life [N]. Chinese Science Journal, 2021-12-03(001).DOI: 10.28514/n.cnki.nkxsb.2021.004001.

[2] Zhang Mengran. The new “aging clock” can detect the risk of disease in time [N]. Science and Technology Daily, 2021-07-13(004).DOI :10.28502/n.cnki.nkjrb.2021.003801.