What’s the matter with frequent “hands numbness”? Mostly related to 7 reasons, take a look

Have you noticed that many people experience numbness in their hands in daily life, as long as you move a little to relieve the symptoms, the symptoms will be relieved after 2~3 minutes Some relief is generally believed to be caused by long-term holding of a posture or pressure.

A common posture, which makes the blood circulation poor, affects the blood circulation and hinders it, causing A tingling condition. The numbness in the hand not only means that the blood is not smooth, but also represents the disorder of the nervous system. It is necessary to pay attention to the signals and red warnings brought by the numbness of the hand.

“7” causes of numb hands

1. Obstructed blood flow

When blood When routine operation and circulation cannot be performed, the circulation of blood will be hindered, resulting in a lack of blood in the human body, resulting in the symptoms of blood being too thick. Therefore, once the hands have a special performance in life, we must pay attention to them immediately.

Blood is affected by its fluidity during normal transportation and cannot be delivered to various tissues and organs of the body and the whole body in time. Everywhere, the fresh oxygen that the organs cannot receive, the blood will be paralyzed for a short time, and the symptoms of hand numbness will be induced.

2. Increased blood pressure p>

When hand numbness occurs, it cannot be ruled out that blood pressure may increase. Usually, the mood fluctuates greatly and is in a state of high tension, which leads to blood pressure fluctuations in the human body. large, causing an increase in blood pressure.

When blood pressure rises, human health will be affected, blood pressure cannot be maintained at a normal level, physical health will also be damaged, and blood cannot flow end, causing numbness in the fingers.

3. Elevated blood sugar p>

When the blood sugar in the body rises, it will also affect the blood circulation. More and more young people are feeling numbness in their fingers.

High blood sugar is also one of the main incentives. Under the influence of high blood sugar, the blood of the human body will be hindered and the fingers will become numb It is also one of the symptoms of local nerve irritation, sometimes accompanied by generalized itching.

4, cervical spondylosis

Keeping one posture for a long time, sitting still, especially working in front of an office computer, cervical spondylosis is not taken seriously by people, and the function of the cervical spine continues to decline , will induce the phenomenon of local nervous system compression damage.

and the nervous system is compressed and damaged, the obvious symptom is finger numbness. Go to the hospital for examination and diagnosis, determine that it is cervical spondylosisNumbness in the fingers can be improved with medication.

5. Upper limb nerve damage< /p>

There is axonal flow in the nervous system. Once the nerves of the upper limbs are damaged, the movement of the compressed axonal cavity will stop abruptly and be hindered further. Brings a series of numbness, swelling and pain to the body.

The intensity and focus of the human body during the day are not very obvious, and the pain will be relieved, especially In the evening, the attention of the human body is more obvious, the pain will be more aggravated, and it will seriously cause the atrophy of the finger muscles.

6. Stroke Phenomenon

Especially in the middle-aged and elderly, middle-aged people around 40 to 50 years old, it is easy to induce mental diseases and endocrine disorders, and stroke diseases often cause dizziness and headaches , Head swelling and numbness symptoms, immediately go to the hospital for examination.

At this age, the phenomenon of hand numbness may be the signal and omen of stroke, which gradually develops into Stroke and myocardial ischemia are life-threatening at any time.

7. During pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers will also feel a series of pain and numbness in their fingers. It seems like thousands of ants are between the fingers, and the climb seems to be on fire.

Different people have different distinct features and changes, and this numbness can quickly build up in each finger , affecting daily life and daily work.

How to prevent finger numbness?

—”Hands” together

Tendency to use both hands as much as possible. According to the theory that the left brain dominates the right half of the body and the right brain dominates the left half of the body, the use of both hands can stimulate the brain on one side of the hand and make the left brain. The right brain is gradually developed and flexible, balancing the relationship between the left and right brains.

Most people use their right hand to do things, such as eating, reading newspapers, reading books on mobile phones, going to the toilet, washing their face and combing their hair, always If you are used to the right hand, you might as well do more exercise, use the left hand to close the window with the left hand, and practice writing, drawing, and so on.

—Building Finger Mobility< /p>

For example: do some more precise and patient activities, assemble small plastic models, sharpen pencils with a knife, paint models with pencils, etc. These behaviors It can effectively exercise the flexibility of the fingers.

Of course, except for these movements, other methods can also be used to exercise finger flexibility, such as knitting sweaters to practice painting, playing Badminton, as well as fingers turning the Rubik’s Cube, can promote the flexibility of the fingers and relieve the discomfort caused by the hand.

—Exercise for skin sensitivity< /p>

Insensitivity to the skin’s touch means that the brain’s sensory central nervous system is sluggish, so you should let your hands touch more hot and cold stimuli, such as washing hands with cold water and hot water, and Washing hands with mild water can irritate skin sensitivity.

—variety of finger movement< /p>

This refers to a unilateral finger, flexible system, such as the use of left-hand training, or the use of right-hand training to limit the movement between the brain and the fingers For information transmission, a variety of finger pulsations can be performed, and if necessary, a fitness ball can be used to move the fingers.

numb fingers, Or massage these acupoints to improve finger numbness

【Massage Shixuan acupoint】: It is located at the tip of the index finger of the palm of the hand and slowly presses it with a toothpick or the tip of a pen You can adjust the duration of your own Shixuan acupoint according to your own requirements, generally no more than 10~15 minutes, such massage will be effective.

【Massage Sanli Point】: It is located on the radial side of the back of the arm, choose fingertips or soft objects, press Sanli Point, and choose a combination of moxibustion points and pressure to relieve numbness and upper limbs soreness and fatigue.

[Massage Houxi Point]: Chuxi Point is the intersection of eight meridians, which connects other Various veins, when you can massage when the finger is numb, massage the Houxi point after donating blood to quickly relieve the numbness of the finger.

【Massage Neiguan Point】: The palm of the hand goes up to the horizontal line on the wrist, and the distance between the middle and the back two inches and about three horizontal fingers is just above the middle nerve. This is also the Neiguan point that can treat carpal tunnel syndrome and relieve carpal tunnel syndrome Numbness, soreness in the fingers. #Xiafang Health Guide#