What’s the matter with female intercourse bleeding?

Normally, it is impossible for vaginal bleeding in married life (except for women’s first sex life), so after sex, if there is vaginal bleeding, it should be taken seriously, and vaginal bleeding, except for cervical cancer , and may also be due to the following reasons

Common intercourse management methods p>

▌Vaginal Laceration

Vaginal pain was obvious during and after sex, and the bleeding continued, with a large amount and bright red color. Treatment:Generally, small lacerations can be compressed or sprayed to stop the bleeding.

▌Reproductive tract inflammation

Fungal vaginitis, Trichomonas vaginitis, senile vaginitis, etc. Inflammatory stimulation can lead to bloody vaginal discharge, usually accompanied by vaginal burning sensation and vaginal mucosal congestion , edema or ulceration. Treatment: If itching and increased secretions are caused by external reasons, you should seek medical attention in time, and actively treat vaginal inflammation after diagnosis.

strong< >▌Cervical polyps

Long-term stimulation of chronic inflammation causes the local mucosa of the cervical canal to proliferate to form cervical polyps, which will protrude the cervix by friction during intercourse polyps that cause bleeding. Treatment: General polyp excision is performed, and the tissue is sent for pathological examination to further determine benign and malignant. Active treatment if there is chronic inflammation.

▌cervical lesions

Bleeding caused by cervical lesions is usually intermittent, and the amount of bleeding is small, which is often overlooked. Some cervical lesions epithelium or the blood vessels at the lesions are fragile, so it is easy to cause cervical epithelial stripping or blood vessel rupture and bleeding during intercourse, resulting in vaginal bleeding. Treatment:Cervical cancer screening (TCT+HPV) should be a mandatory package for sexually active women.


Some submucosal uterine fibroids, premature intercourse after abortion or postpartum, abnormal position of IUD, uterine scar diverticulum Can also cause intercourse bleeding. Treatment:Routine physical examination is very important, and it is also very important to seek medical attention in time if there is any abnormality. Finally remind everyone: If there is bleeding in the same room, we should not panic too much, we should go to the hospital for examination in time to ensure good health.