What time does “Health Hotspot” count as staying up late? Vitiligo linked to staying up late

Sleep is so important to people that we spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping. With the development of the times, nightlife has become a new “fashion”, and more and more people have joined the “night cat family”. Some are because work requires staying up late and working overtime, while others are purely for fun. In short, staying up late has become the norm, and with it comes health problems.

Experts say: Often staying up late, lack of sleep will lead to weakened immunity, obesity, memory loss, hair loss, increased blood pressure, etc., and even induced vitiligo.

The association between vitiligo and staying up late

1. Induced vitiligo

Staying up late will cause damage to neurons, deplete human qi and blood, and also lead to decreased immunity and damage to melanocytes, which will induce vitiligo.

2. Endocrine disorders, aggravating the disease

Long-term staying up late will lead to endocrine disorders in the body. Lead to the decline of various functions of the body, thereby affecting the metabolism of melanocytes, resulting in aggravation of vitiligo.

3. Affects the treatment, the effect is slow

Long-term staying up late is very harmful to the skin, not only easy Acne breakouts, acne breakouts, and sensitive skin. It will also affect the treatment of patients with vitiligo, so that the recoloration of white spots is slow.

What time does it take to stay up late?

Remember! 11pm is not an absolute red line! According to Chinese medicine, when the liver meridian is in season from 11:00 pm to 3:00 am, if you don’t sleep, you will damage the liver. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone go to bed before 11 pm. Those with weak constitution can fall asleep earlier and ensure the quality of sleep.

Tips: Staying up late for a long time will cause irreversible damage to the body, especially for vitiligo patients, they should pay more attention to sleep in their daily life, and it is best not to stay up late .