What the heck is a “ghost press”? Under what circumstances is it most likely to happen? scientific explanation

We may encounter ghost presses during our daily rest. The most obvious manifestation is that our limbs cannot move. In fact, ghost presses are a kind of popular among the people. statement. Because the science at that time was not developed enough, the ghost press was blamed for this phenomenon. With the gradual progress of science and technology, people have also solved the real mystery of the ghost press.

According to relevant statistics, 40% of people in China have encountered ghost presses, which shows that “ghost presses” “It’s still common. So what’s up with the ghost press? Under what circumstances is a ghost press most likely to occur? Let’s analyze it further.

1. What is a “ghost press”?

Ghost press generally refers to sleep paralysis. Sleep paralysis is a common sleep disorder that often occurs when falling asleep and when waking up, when the patient is suddenly awake but unable to speak or move. The resulting short-term fear experience will cause the patient to have a strong anxiety and anxiety, which will seriously affect the patient’s normal work and life, and bring great distress to the patient.

The main symptoms of the ghost press are as follows. First, the patient will experience chest tightness and difficulty breathing. At this time, the patient will feel pressure in the chest and shortness of breath. In severe cases, the patient may even experience a sense of suffocation and near-death, which will make the patient feel fearful. This anxiety is especially severe during the first episode, and is less pronounced in patients with frequent sleep paralysis.

Secondly, some patients also experience hallucinations. The hallucinations are mainly auditory, visual, tactile, or a vision of a room. These patients experience multiple pre-sleep and post-sleep hallucinations during an episode of sleep paralysis. This is also the most troublesome symptom for patients when they experience ghost presses. When patients experience hallucinations, their brain consciousness is not dominated, so patients are prone to fall into hallucinatory situations, which makes many patients feel panic.

Finally, in the case of ghost presses, patients experience increased heart rate. Because the human consciousness is awake at this time, the patient will be panicked and the heart rate will be accelerated when the ghost pressing disease occurs. Visual impairment in which you cannot see when your eyes are open.

We understand what a ghost press is and what symptoms the patient will experience when the disease occurs. People with sleep disorders are very painful when the disease occurs, the body cannot rest, the spirit is in a state of tension, and some patients are often accompanied by a sense of fear, which makes many patients miserable. So what causes ghost press symptoms? Let’s find out.

Second, the cause of “ghost press”

1 Poor sleeping position

Poor sleeping position is the cause of sleep paralysis an important cause. When we rest daily, some people will have bad sleeping posture habits. For example, some people like to lie down with their hands on their chests, because we usually rest When the weight of the quilt will make our body feel oppressed, coupled with the oppression of the hands, it will cause our breathing and blood circulation to be unobstructed, resulting in chest tightness and shortness of breath.

2. Life is stressful

Stressful life situations can also cause ghost presses. The main reason is that with the accelerated pace of modern life, we have to face the dual pressures of work and study. Brain overdrive. It will keep our brains in a working state. In this state, our sleep quality will decline, resulting in insomnia and dreaminess, which will induce ghost pressure on the bed.

3. Irregular schedule

Ghost presses can also occur when work and rest are irregular. Some people like to stay up late at night and make up for bad habits during the day. This habit of reversing day and night will disturb our biological clock, and there will be symptoms of insufficient sleep and sleep disturbance, and our body will become weak. Sleep disorders are the main cause of sleep paralysis in most patients.

4. Mood swings

Ghost presses are also prone to occur when mood swings are high. Especially when we watch some exciting movies or play exciting games before bed. Our brain nerves are all affected, which puts us in a tense state of mind. At this time, due to the stimulation and horror of movies or games, images will migrate to our dreams, resulting in sleep disorders, causing us to fall into a sleep state of hallucinations and anxiety. . Therefore, mood swings will greatly aggravate the condition of some patients.

5. Post-traumatic stress disorder

PTSD can also lead to sleep paralysis. Some people often have nightmares after suffering a major trauma, or keep flashing back to the fragments that lead to the trauma, and suffer a great mental blow. This mental disorder can lead to insomnia. , irritability, panic symptoms. Patients who are in this state for a long time will experience ghost pressure. If unreasonable treatment, the patient’s mental state will get worse, so we must pay attention to it as soon as possible.

6. Narcolepsy

Patients with narcolepsy also experience ghost presses. There are many causes of narcolepsy. For example, some obese patients have high blood viscosity and love to sleep. Severe narcolepsy patients can fall asleep anytime, anywhere, day and night. Some people will suddenly fall to the ground with their knees limp while walking. In fact, such people have sleep disorders and are prone to the disease. Ghost press.

We know that sleep disorders are prone to occur in the above six situations, so we should avoid these situations in our daily life, but if We really have the symptoms of ghost press, and don’t be overly nervous. The following methods can effectively crack the ghost press and wake us up quickly.

Third, how to solve the “ghost press” disease?

If we encounter a “ghost press” disease, first of all we don’t resist. When we can’t move, don’t resist. If we resist vigorously, this sense of control will intensify. At this time, we should maintain proper calmness and adapt to the current state. Symptoms will ease over time.

At the same time, learn to self-suggest. We need to relax ourselves, self-suggest that this is a “ghost press”, don’t be dominated by hallucinations and fear, tell yourself that it’s okay, don’t be afraid, and slowly relieve your tension, so that Instead, he might just wake up.

Secondly, you can twist His own toes try to twist the limbs to relieve the “ghost press”. For example, we can try to twist our toes and fingers when we are tense, because most people with sleep disorders affect the abdomen, chest, and throat of the body. So it is difficult for us to speak and shout at this time, so we can focus on our limbs. Try twisting your toes and fingers to wake yourself up.

We can also try focusing on breathing to ease sleep disturbances. When a ghost press occurs, our arms, chest, and legs are all paralyzed and difficult to wake up. But our respiratory system is powered and controlled by the heart. Faced with a fearful environment, we need to adjust our breathing so that the breathing is in a stable state, which helps the brain to wake up quickly.

Again, we can enlist the help of our co-sleeper. You can tell your sleep partner when you fall asleep that you have a sleep disorder. If you find that the disease occurs when you are asleep, you can wake yourself up under appropriate circumstances, which is also a better way to relieve sleep disorders.

Finally, wake yourself up with the sound of a cough. Because this type of action is autonomic, in other words, we can consciously adjust our breathing even when we are asleep, so we can use the sound of coughing to wake us up .

Fourth, the harm of sleep paralysis

We learned above Why sleep paralysis exists and how to crack it. But if we treat ghost press disease as a small problem, we don’t go for active treatment. Then the consequences are also very serious, and then we will understand the harm of sleep paralysis.

First, chronic episodes of sleep paralysis can affect sleep quality. Sleep paralysis disrupts sleep rhythms and disrupts the structure of sleep. In the long run, some patients will have insomnia, and if the quality of sleep of the patients is not guaranteed, it will lead to repeated recurrence of sleep paralysis, forming a vicious circle over time.

Secondly, ghost presses can cause neurasthenia. We know that ghost press usually occurs when the patient falls asleep or is about to wake up, the patient will be immobile, and the hallucinations and paralyzed sleep state of the patient during this period will give the patient Brings great fear, and in severe cases will cause great psychological shadow to the patient. If the patient’s condition is not controlled, patients with repeated attacks will experience neurasthenia.

Finally, some patients suffer from sleep anxiety and sleep phobia under the influence of long-term sleep paralysis, /span>Let the patient be reluctant to rest and have a state of disgust and fear of rest. If this situation continues for a long time, it will inevitably affect our physical health, make our physique weaker, and the quality of work and study will not be guaranteed.

Therefore, we must attach great importance to the quality of our sleep. Only when the quality of sleep is high, our body can be effectively relaxed, our body and mind will be healthier, and we can effectively resist the invasion of various foreign diseases. So let’s learn more about how to effectively prevent sleep paralysis?

Five, Prevention of “ghost press” disease

First of all, for the prevention of sleep paralysis, we must maintain a good schedule. For those who love to stay up late, it is necessary to put an end to the bad habit of staying up late, get up early and go to bed early and have a regular schedule, so as to ensure that we have a good sleep state, and to a large extent It can avoid the occurrence of sleep paralysis. At the same time, good sleep habits can also effectively promote our metabolism and keep the body in a healthy and energetic state.

Secondly, reduce viewing of stimulating images before bed. We mentioned above that as a result of watching stimulating images and games before bed, our brains retain memory impressions, and to a large extent bring this fearful feeling to our sleep , thus causing us to have sleep disorders, so. For those who like stimulation, we try to avoid watching these stimulating images before going to bed, and we can watch some quiet and soothing movies, which will help us fall asleep.

Again, sleep paralysis can be changed with dietary modifications. We can choose to eat some sleep-aiding foods before going to bed, such as milk, walnuts, lotus seeds, etc. These are all foods that help us maintain a good sleep. We should avoid eating some stimulating foods before going to bed, reduce drinking coffee and some energy drinks, and avoid external factors that cause us to be in a state of insomnia,

So adjusting your eating habits is very important in the treatment of sleep paralysis.

At the same time, we can also relieve stress through proper exercise. Avoid being in a mental state of anxiety and tension. At this time, we can release our body and mind through sports activities such as running, fitness, and playing basketball. When our body undergoes a certain amount of exercise, the body is in a state of exhaustion. It is easier to fall asleep, so that we not only relieve stress but also feel good, which will change the mental outlook of sleep paralyzed people to a large extent.

Finally, we need to adjust poor sleep patterns. Try to avoid lying on high pillows, because this sleeping position is not conducive to blood circulation, and high pillows can also cause poor breathing, which may lead to insomnia paralysis. Of course, when we sleep in our daily life, we try to lie down as much as possible, and try not to put our hands on our chests, avoid lying on the side or on the stomach, and also keep the air in the room and choose a lighter quilt to create a comfortable sleeping environment.


I believe everyone can pass The above understanding has clearly solved the real mystery of the “ghost press”. If you encounter a ghost-pressing situation in your life, you won’t be too scared. Because it may be poor sleeping posture, high life pressure, irregular work and rest, large mood swings, or some people have post-traumatic stress disorder and narcolepsy, which may cause our body to have a related response, and we can adjust it by ourselves. Alleviate fear.

However, we should not think that sleep paralysis is a small problem because of one or two occasional occurrences of sleep paralysis. Especially for some patients who often suffer from sleep paralysis, it is even more necessary to maintain a positive and stable attitude to deal with their diseases, not to be excessively anxious, causing nervous tension and a vicious circle. And believe that with the continuous development of medical technology, sleep paralysis will definitely be cured.