What should I do if I have bad breath in my mouth and dare not speak? Here are some good ways to help you stay away from bad breath

When we are eating and chatting with friends, or with our romantic partner, or with colleagues at work, face-to-face communication is always unavoidable, and of course, a good communication environment is inseparable. The environment is there, but there will be bursts of strange smells, and then people can’t help but think disgusting, which simply destroys the original pleasure atmosphere. What is this weird smell? Yes, some of them have bad breath.

A person has bad breath, which is detrimental to personal image, so when we find ourselves with bad breath It is necessary to pay attention, and then treat it in time to give yourself and others a good environment to get along with. What is the cause of bad breath?

In fact, the most direct cause of bad breath is the mouth is not hygienic. Our human mouth is a “greenhouse” for bacteria to grow. We have to eat every day and brush our teeth every day to remove food residues, If we don’t brush the toothbrush clean enough, it is easy to cause periodontitis, oral ulcers and other oral diseases. Slowly the bacteria multiply and then ferment, which will lead to the formation of bad breath.

Unhealthy stomach can also lead to bad breath. If we usually have the habit of overeating, the stomach will not have time to digest, which will cause the mucous membrane of the stomach to become thinner and thinner, and then make it easy for bacteria to breed and cause bad breath. Because of the bad breath caused by the stomach, brushing your teeth is ineffective. A bad stomach can also lead to constipation. We all know that constipation is the fact that stool remains in the body for a long time and cannot be eliminated for a long time. The already smelly stool is fermented in the constant temperature environment of the human body, how could it not cause bad breath. Some poor eating patterns, such as liking alcohol and eating foods high in sugar, can lead to gastroesophageal reflux, so that acidic stomach fluids will flow back, resulting in Cause bad breath. However, some foods can cause bad breath by themselves, such as onions or garlic. After eating these foods, consciously brush your teeth and rinse your mouth away from other people.

Some diseases can also cause bad breath, such as pharyngitis or bronchitis. Suffering from this disease, there will be a lot of bacteria in the body, and there will be bad smell. Because the disease affected part is close to the mouth, there will be bad breath. At the same time, if there are hormones, progesterone or anti-allergic substances in the medicines taken due to diseases, it will make dry mouth and cause bad breath. In addition, mood is often unstable, people who have been anxious, tense or irritable will have endocrine disorders , and their immunity will decline, which will lead to the proliferation of bacteria and cause bad breath. .

Halitosis is really embarrassing. If you have bad breath, you will not dare to approach people. Once it is found that it will be very detrimental to our good image, how can we alleviate bad breath?

1. Proper chewing gum

invented The chewing gum people are simply too powerful. When they find that their mouth has a peculiar smell, there are chewing gum sellers everywhere. After buying them, tearing open the package and chewing a few times can relieve the bad breath. Chewing gum contains fresheners that can freshen bad breath, which can effectively stop the odor in the mouth. Especially mint-flavored chewing gum, the mint in it is a very fresh plant, which can inhibit and eliminate bad breath. It should be noted that chewing gum should not be chewed for too long, and it should not be eaten too frequently, otherwise it will worsen bad breath.

2. Rinse after meals

Rinse after meals is a good habit for oral hygiene. Food scraps left in our mouths after meals every day can grow bacteria and damage our teeth. We can gargle with warm water after meals. Warm water will not damage our gums. After rinsing, we can stop eating less. It is very important to maintain oral hygiene.

3. Drink more lemonade

Lemon is also a freshener like mint, When we drink water, we can put a slice or two of lemon in the water to eliminate the odor. The secretion of saliva from our body will make food digest quickly, and then the mouth will become very dry, and it will be easy for bacteria to start to multiply. Drinking more lemon water can not only quench thirst, but also increase the body’s resistance.

4. Eat less spicy food

Stinky food such as: garlic or onion. Drinks such as coffee and soda dry mouth can also cause bad breath, increasing the chance of suffering from bad breath. If eaten, brush your teeth to avoid the odor getting stronger in your mouth.

5. Exercise more

Many of the reasons we suffer from bad breath are related to the quality of our body. If you have a good constitution, your body will naturally not be plagued by diseases, and you can prevent the occurrence of oral diseases. People with weak constitution should formulate their own conditioning according to their physical condition. Methods, for example, you can eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin b6, and you can also eat fish, animal liver or eggs, which are rich in zinc. Can enhance physical fitness.

In addition to the above methods can effectively remove bad breath, you can also try chewing tea after meals , Remember to spit it out after chewing to prevent damage to your health. Toothpaste should also choose a toothpaste that can get rid of bad breath, although the effect is not great, but it is also helpful for us to get rid of bad breath It works. When brushing your teeth, you should be able to brush in all directions, don’t be half-hearted, toothpaste on your teeth doesn’t mean it’s clean. When cleaning, especially pay attention to the tongue coating, You can use a small tool for scraping the tongue coating. Many times there is no problem with the body, the diet is healthy and the bad breath is because you forgot to clean the tongue.

The above is about the reasons for bad breath. There are some small ways to get rid of it. There is no bad breath that can be prevented. If you have bad breath, try it. The action to get rid of bad breath is imminent.


1. “Common Causes of Bad Breath” What is it? Regularly drinking three kinds of porridge can effectively remove it”——People’s Daily Online 2019-01-29


3. “What are the causes of bad breath”——China Economic Net 2016-04-12