What should I do if I can’t sleep well? A little action can help you improve


Sleep every day, but do you know how to sleep more comfortably?

(Source: Internet)

No! It is also available for single people, sleeping naked~

Not only can you get rid of the shackles of clothes, but sleeping naked has many unexpected benefits.


Sleeping naked can help you fall asleep faster and sleep comfortably

Our bodies have a unique thermoregulatory system. By dissipating heat at night, the body temperature will naturally drop and enter a sleep state, and it will wake up naturally when it rises in the morning [1].

Wearing pyjamas may block the skin’s perception of temperature and affect sleep, which is not the case when sleeping naked.


Sleeping naked makes it feel like flying “underneath”

Sleeping naked is also good for women’s private parts, which can make the genitals drier, and the bacteria and fungi that tend to grow in humid environments are also reduced accordingly.


Sleeping naked for better skin

Sebum and sweat are discharged more smoothly when sleeping naked, promote metabolism, and make skin more elastic. If you want to be beautiful, you have to take it off!


Sleeping naked can also help with weight loss

The secretion of cortisol, hormones, ghrelin, etc. in the body is related to sleep time and quality. Fluctuations in their levels have a great impact on obesity and overweight [2].

So sleeping well will help you stay in shape!


Sleeping naked promotes relationships

Skin-to-skin contact while sleeping naked produces more oxytocin, which increases intimacy and trust between partners.

Of course, since the two slept naked together, something could happen…to boost the relationship.

Seeing you here, are you excited, but still a little afraid to try?

Zhimei summarized some of the common concerns that everyone has. Do you think the same way?

01. Would it be unsanitary for private parts?

It is not recommended that you sleep naked in hotels and other places. But as long as you maintain basic hygiene at home, you don’t have to worry about infection in your private parts. Sleeping naked gives your private parts a chance to breathe freely.

02. Will it be unhygienic to the skin and cause skin diseases?

The healthy and intact skin of a normal person has a strong enough barrier defense system, so it is no problem to pay attention to hygiene!

03. What if there is an earthquake while sleeping naked?

Zhimei searched online and many people had this concern…

(Source: Zhihu)

Encounter this situation… Of course, roll up the quilt/clothing and escape!

Thin-skinned students can go to a safe place to cover their faces, as long as they don’t feel embarrassed, then others will be embarrassed!

(Source: Internet)

04. People from the family are so shy when they are seen sleeping naked, what should I do?

Faced with this situation, Zhimei could only nod her head tearfully in approval.

Especially on a sunny morning, when a child suddenly came to the house and lifted the quilt, and loudly broadcasted to the whole family, “Auntie sleeps without clothes, shame!” , I just want to change the planet to live again…

(Source: Internet)

So remember to lock the door when sleeping alone!

1. Change bedding frequently. For the sake of your own health, you should wash your sheets and duvet covers once a week.

2. For girls who are menstruating, or friends with bad stomach, it is better to wear underwear before going to bed.

3. Pay attention to personal hygiene. Remember to take a bath before going to bed, clean and sleep soundly.

4. Be careful of catching a cold. Although you want to cool down in summer, you should still pay attention to cover a thin quilt when you sleep to prevent colds and diarrhea.

5. Middle-aged and elderly friends with itchy skin disease, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease are not recommended to sleep naked.

Of course, sleeping naked or wearing clothes depends on your choice, as long as you sleep happily!


Wang Xiaoyan| Chief Physician, Department of Dermatology, Beijing Tiantan Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University


[1]Raymann RJ, Swaab DF, Van Someren EJ. Skin deep: enhanced sleep depth by cutaneous temperature manipulation. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2008;131(Pt 2):500 – 13.

[2] Xingxing, Wang Zhihong. Research progress on the relationship between hormone secretion and less sleep leading to obesity or overweight [J]. Journal of Nursing, 2018, 025(018):45- 48.

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