What should I do if a family member or colleague is infected with the new crown?

No rhythm!

3 years into the pandemic

Do you still think it’s “finished” if you get Covid-19

If yes

You should also take a look at the following popular science


After contracting Covid-19,

Will it be painful?

The current widespread epidemic is the Omicron strain of the new coronavirus.

As the designated hospital in Shenzhen for the treatment of patients with COVID-19, Yang Liuqing, Deputy Chief Physician of the Third Department of Infection at the Third People’s Hospital of Shenzhen (“the Third Hospital of the City”) said——

Most of the cases currently admitted to the hospital are mild or asymptomatic infections. After they contract the new coronavirus, there are 10 most common symptoms:


Dry cough


Decreased or lost sense of smell or taste

Stuffy nose

Runny nose

Sore throat

muscle pain



Of course, not all symptoms will appear, and the severity will vary from person to person, and many people may even experience no discomfort at all.


If you find out you are positive

What should I do the first time?

Once you find out that you are positive for the new coronavirus nucleic acid, don’t panic, the disease control doctor will contact you soon and ask you to wait in place, and the ambulance and staff will take you to the hospital as soon as possible.

In the meantime, you just need to follow their instructions and self-isolate as soon as possible without contact with family and friends.

If you’re at home, put on a mask, close the door, and prepare your essentials for hospitalization.

If you are in the unit, wear a mask, avoid touching the surrounding environment, and tell the leader as soon as possible, give you a separate room for isolation, and wait for the relevant department to pick you up to the hospital.


If a family member or colleague is infected

What should I do?

The first is to wear a mask, try to avoid being in the same room with each other, and wash your hands as soon as possible.

If there are disinfecting supplies within reach, such as medical alcohol, disinfecting wipes, etc., you can wipe off the surfaces such as desktops that may have touched, and then wait for the disinfection department to kill them in place. .

At the same time, you may be identified as a close contact and required to be quarantined, so you need to be prepared accordingly.

Source: Shangsha netizen Lucky


How can I be treated after being admitted to the hospital?

After arriving at the hospital ward, a nurse will firstly assess you for admission, mainly monitoring vital signs such as temperature and blood pressure, and filling in general information.

Afterwards, a doctor will ask you about your symptoms and medical history. According to your initial assessment, whether it is asymptomatic or mild, etc., blood tests, laboratory tests and chest CT will be arranged to further evaluate the situation. .

In terms of treatment, the doctor will generally give corresponding treatment according to the test results and diagnosis.

For example, for most patients with mild symptoms, some oral drugs will be given, and nursing staff will teach them to do breathing exercises. During hospitalization, they will be regularly reviewed, including nucleic acid testing, and re-evaluation of the condition.


Are there any sequelae of infection?

According to the hospital’s follow-up observation of recovered patients from COVID-19, there are very few sequelae.

At present, the probability of occurrence of pulmonary fibrosis, which is considered to be a sequela of new coronary pneumonia, has not yet been determined, and it is limited to literature reports.

And there are very few serious pneumonias in Omicron, and the risk of sequelae should be less, so you don’t have to worry too much.

Experts know more about epidemic science

Naturally not afraid of the 72 changes of the new crown

Source: Shenzhen Health Commission

Editor in charge: Zheng Huaju

Proofreading: Zang Hengjia

Plate making: Xue Jiao