What should children pay attention to when inhaling aerosols? Experts answer your questions


Huaibei News Network News Since the beginning of spring, the temperature has been repeated, and many children have been coughing continuously due to colds or other respiratory diseases. When the cough is severe, doctors often recommend atomization inhalation therapy. Zeng Xia, director of the Second Department of Pediatrics at the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Hospital, introduced that atomization inhalation has a rapid onset, good curative effect, easy coordination, and few systemic adverse reactions. It is the most important means of treating allergic diseases such as asthma and allergic cough. Parents should pay attention to cooperating with medical staff when children are inhaling aerosol in order to achieve more positive results.

Atomization inhalation therapy is that the liquid through the atomization device becomes tiny mist particles or mist droplets suspended in the inhaled air, so that the air is humidified and the liquid medicine is inhaled into the respiratory tract, so as to achieve moisturizing of the respiratory mucosa, anti-inflammatory and expectorant. , antispasmodic, asthma and other therapeutic purposes. At present, the commonly used atomization inhalation methods include oxygen atomization inhalation and air compression atomization inhalation.

According to reports, children should be inhaled one hour before meals or two hours after meals before inhalation, which can prevent vomiting caused by choking. . During atomization inhalation, the sitting position, semi-sitting position or lateral position can be adopted. During treatment, the patient needs to inhale slowly and deeply, and stop for a while at the end of inhalation, which will make the inhalation of the mist droplets deeper. Each nebulized inhalation time should not exceed 20 minutes. It should be noted that the oxygen flow rate of hospital wall oxygen atomization inhalation is preferably 3-4L/min. If the oxygen flow rate is too small, the drug may not be well atomized and reach the action site.

During the nebulization process, parents should pay attention to observe the child’s complexion, consciousness, and reaction. Once any abnormality occurs, the nebulization should be stopped immediately and corresponding measures should be taken. After the atomization inhalation treatment, parents can immediately help the child to tap the back to promote the discharge of sputum. from the alveoli). After atomization, you should wash your face in time, and rinse your mouth (or drink water) with normal saline or warm water to prevent oral infections. Younger children can drink water or breastfeed if they cannot rinse their mouths.

Experts remind that to prevent children from getting frequent colds, parents can lead their children to take appropriate outdoor activities and physical exercise to enhance the body’s ability to adapt to temperature changes. However, during the epidemic of respiratory diseases, it is necessary to avoid taking children to public places as much as possible to avoid cross-infection.

■ Reporter Han Hui Correspondent Zhang Pingping

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