What nutrition does ginkgo have?

Ginkgo’s scientific name is Ginkgo biloba. Many people know about ginkgo, but they don’t know what nutrition it has. This article will describe it in detail in the future.

First, let’s take a look at what nutrients ginkgo has. According to the test [1], the starch content in the kernel of ginkgo is about 63%, the crude protein content is about 12%, the crude fat content is about 2.7%, the sucrose content is about 5%, and the reducing sugar content is About 1%, the nucleoprotein content is about 0.26%, the crude fiber content is about 1.2%, and the mineral content is about 3%. In addition, ginkgo also contains a variety of amino acids and vitamins. In general, ginkgo contains a variety of nutrients such as starch, protein, lipids, amino acids and trace elements, especially the content of starch is relatively high, starch can be converted into glucose in the human body, so people eat ginkgo, can add carbohydrates compound.

We evaluate a food with high nutritional value, and its protein should not only contain a complete range of essential amino acids, but also have a suitable ratio between essential amino acids. Generally, the higher the proportion of essential amino acids The higher the nutritional value, the higher the nutritional value of the food. Research[2] confirmed that the amino acid content in ginkgo is about 12%, including 17 kinds of amino acids, of which glutamic acid has the highest content, followed by aspartic acid and leucine, and the lowest content is methionine and methionine. In addition, ginkgo contains 8 essential amino acids such as leucine, lysine and histidine, among which the content of essential amino acids accounts for about 38% of the total amino acid content. Overall , Ginkgo has high nutritional value.

Next, let’s analyze what functional active substances are contained in ginkgo. Research [1] shows that the functional active substances contained in ginkgo mainly include ginkgo polysaccharides, ginkgo flavonoids, ginkgolides , Ginkgo acid, antibacterial protein, etc. Among them, Ginkgo polysaccharide has various functions such as immune regulation, anti-tumor, anti-aging, etc.; flavonoids have the functions of eliminating oxygen free radicals, anti-oxidation, anti-allergy, anti-radiation and inhibiting tumors At the same time, flavonoids also have the physiological functions of lowering blood pressure, blood fat, blood sugar, cholesterol and blood viscosity, which are good for protecting the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system and regulating endocrine function; Blood, arrhythmia and immune system regulation play an important role; ginkgolic acid has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-allergic and other effects; antibacterial proteins have inhibitory effects on some fungi and bacteria.

But we must know that ginkgo cannot be eaten too much. There are not many cases of food poisoning caused by eating too much ginkgo. According to statistics [3], the poisoning dose of ginkgo is ingested at one time on average. 35, but everyone’s tolerance is different, there are cases of ingestion of 10 to 60 ginkgo poisoning. According to research [4], this toxic ingredient contained in ginkgo seeds can cause convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Although ginkgo contains these functional active substances, it does not mean that eating ginkgo can achieve the purpose of curing diseases and preventing cancer. The amount of ginkgo that can be eaten in each meal is very limited, and the amount of these active functional substances that can be ingested through ginkgo is far less than the clinically effective dose. It can only be said that ginkgo has medicinal value. It is also necessary to extract these active functional ingredients, make medicines, and follow the doctor’s instructions to take them regularly and quantitatively to be effective.

In general, ginkgo contains a variety of nutrients, and the starch content is relatively high. People eat ginkgo can play a role in supplementing carbohydrates, although ginkgo contains a variety of active functions Substances, but usually eating ginkgo can’t cure diseases, and you can’t eat too much at one time, preferably no more than 20.

The author of this issue: Liao Yuying, Zhao Lichao

Beauty Editor: Peng Mingqian


[1] Du Wenming, Xu Kehan. Nutritional and medicinal value of Ginkgo biloba[J]. Hebei Forestry Science and Technology, 2002(3):48.

[2] Geng Jingzhang. Research progress on nutritional components and functional factors in Ginkgo biloba[J]. Biological Resources, 2011,33(1):63-66.

[3] Xiao Yang, Huang Lusheng. Experience in diagnosis and treatment of 16 cases of acute poisoning of ginkgo biloba[J]. Journal of Practical Clinical Medicine, 2000(5).

[4] Yoshimura, Wang Hao, Li Huifen. Determination of ginkgo toxin and ginkgo toxin-5′-glucoside in ginkgo seeds by HPLC [J]. Modern Medicine and Clinical, 2007(2):75- 76.

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