What laboratory tests are required for anemia due to infectious diseases

Anemia due to infectious diseases often has the following laboratory characteristics:

(1) Anemia caused by acute infection: ① Blood routine: The degree of anemia varies according to the severity of infection, ranging from mild anemia to severe anemia, and anemia is positive cells , normochromic. Peripheral blood smears may have different morphological characteristics of blood cells according to different infections. For example, malaria parasites can be found in blood smears, and abnormal red blood cells such as broken red blood cells and small spherical cells can be seen during hemolysis. White blood cell counts are often increased, but also decreased, neutrophils may have left-shifted nuclei, and cells may appear toxic granules, vacuoles, and Dulle bodies. Platelet count can be normal or decreased; ② Hemolysis-related tests: serum total bilirubin and indirect bilirubin increased, free hemoglobin increased, and haptoglobin decreased. Anti-human globulin test can be positive in patients with hemolytic anemia involving immune mechanism, and can be divided into two types: IgG and IgM. Anti-human globulin test can also be negative, such as anti-infective drug-induced hemolytic anemia.

(2) Anemia due to chronic infection: ① Blood routine: possible Hypochromic anemia, the red blood cells in the blood film are slightly unequal in size, the center is lightly stained, the average red blood cell hemoglobin concentration is less than 31%, and the average red blood cell volume is less than 80n. White blood cell and blood plate counts are not constant; ②Iron metabolism: serum iron, total iron binding capacity decreased, iron saturation decreased, serum ferritin was normal, and it has certain auxiliary diagnostic value; ③Bone marrow image: nucleated red blood cells and bone marrow granules/ The red ratio was generally normal, and there was no obvious erythroid hyperplasia. Sideroblasts decreased, iron storage increased in monocytes-macrophages: ④ shortened lifespan of erythrocytes: 51Cr-labeled erythrocytes were used to measure the shortened lifespan. Therefore, anemia caused by infectious diseases often requires these laboratory tests.

Bibliography: “Deng Jiadong Clinical Hematology”, “Williams Hematology”, “Clinical Prescription Manual of Hematology”, “Difficult Problems of Hematology” “Analysis”, “Hematology Chief Physician’s Ward Round Record”, “Hematology Clinician Questions and Answers”, “Hematology Attending Physician Questions and Answers”, “Hematology”, “Diagnosis and Treatment Standards for Blood System Diseases”, “Diagnosis and Efficacy Standards for Hematology Diseases”, “Hematology Diseases in Traditional Chinese Medicine” “Xue” “Blood Cell Morphology Diagnosis Atlas” invasion and deletion pictures from the network invasion and deletion